Shortly after strutting about to "Go Colonel, Go Colonel" chants, the animated southerner fell from America's favor.
Since independence from Britain in 1960, Nigeria has known only one reasonably successful election, in 1979, when Shehu Shagari, a little-known northern politician, defeated the veteran southerner Obafemi Awolowo.
The bride's father is from New Zealand, and the groom is a sixth generation Southerner, so the couple wanted to honor each of their cultures without alienating anyone.
Among them: a homosexual AIDS victim in the 1993 tearjerker Philadelphia, a slow-talking Southerner in the 1994 hit Forrest Gump and a heroic captain in 1998's Saving Private Ryan.
When he arrived in Turin, in 1953, the 25-year-old southerner had to win the confidence of northern Italians wary of fast-talking Neapolitans.
One is Mark Warner , the governor of Virginia (another southerner) who has raised taxes and closed the state-budget deficit with the help of Republicans.
And they rallied with him as a slow-witted Southerner in the 1994 runaway hit Forrest Gump.
JMP's candidate, Faisal bin Shamlan, is a liberal-leaning southerner, the bulk of its strength comes from the Islah or Reform Party.
ECONOMIST: The big surprise is that this was a real live election
At the height of the civil-rights movement, many readers were furious at the idea of a white Southerner writing as a black slave rebel.
The northerners respond that it was army rule, not northern rule, that ruined the country, though many concede that it would not be bad if a southerner could be found to be the next president.
The north has ruled Nigeria since independence (a southerner was in charge for just six years), but the rioting after Abiola's death is said to have persuaded many northerners that it is time to cede power.
At the Manhattan headquarters of the IRS, visitors were greeted at the door by a well-bred Southerner, district director Charles Baugh, who did everything he could to make them feel at home.
Walter Mondale appealed to traditional Democrats such as organized labor and African-Americans who were distrustful of Jimmy Carter, an unknown Southerner who did not seem sympathetic to the party's core ideas.
Because I am a southerner, I am going to quote from the Good Book.
The last Democrat to carry North Carolina was Jimmy Carter, a Southerner, in 1976.
One southerner in five is thought to have a relation in the North.
As they did in 2004, Edwards' supporters point out that as a Southerner, Edwards can make inroads in a region that produced the last three Democratic presidents (Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton).
Craig Brewer(ph), a southerner who sort of takes, I think, a lot of the ethos, this kind of stuff we see in short stories by Flannery O'Connor.
Politically, he stood on the middle ground: fundamentally conservative (supporting the Nicaraguan contras, school prayer and guns) but bravely outspoken, especially as a southerner, on civil rights.
Mr Wolfe is a southerner, and so his social antennae there are razor-sharp especially on the Atlanta blue-bloods' envy for the southern authenticity of Richmond, Charleston and Savannah, as well as the cultural confidence of New York.
Mr Edwards is a southerner, but unlikely to move any southern states out of Mr Bush's camp in the presidential contest.
And as the presidency rotates between a northern Muslim and a southern Christian, to satisfy both sides of Nigeria's ethnic-religious divide, so Mr Jonathan, a southerner, probably has only a little more than a year in office before being replaced in the next election.