They used a surgical technique to damage the spinal cord of rats and induce neuropathic pain.
Even low fractures could mean life in a wheelchair if the spinal cord is damaged.
Most patients in the spinal cord center have survived an accident that, statistically, should have killed them.
The researchers say the transplanted cells regenerated nerve fibres across the damaged region of the spinal cord.
Meninges are the thin layers of tissue that protect the brain and the spinal cord under the skull.
This meant that nervous connections were made to both sides of the spinal cord, rather than just to one.
The key is to feed the spinal cord an appropriate sensory input, so that it has something to learn.
Ephrins are believed to control the growth of nerve cells necessary to help form proper circuits within the spinal cord.
The new nerve connections did not occur over the long distances required to connect the brain to the spinal cord.
He then took brain stem cells from another rat and grew part of the spinal cord on a polymer scaffold.
It is the first FDA-approved clinical trial to inject fetal stem cells directly into the spinal cord of an adult.
They have pinpointed, one by one, a brew of proteins in the spinal cord that block this incipient nerve growth.
The bone around the spine doesn't form properly, causing part of the spinal cord to stick out of the baby's back.
CNN: Study: Major benefits for spina bifida surgery in the womb
Doctors replaced the spinal cord into the spinal column and closed up the back just as they would on a newborn.
CNN: Study: Major benefits for spina bifida surgery in the womb
The hippocampus is an area at the base of the brain in humans, close to the junction with the spinal cord.
Baby Noor was born with spina bifida, a birth defect in which the vertebrae do not form completely around the spinal cord.
These injuries involve blunt trauma, bruising and compression of the spinal cord and are the most common form of human spinal cord injury.
They hope they can cure Alzheimer's disease and cancer and repair injuries to the spinal cord, even offer an unlimited bank of transplantable organs.
The operation concentrates on the lower part of the spinal cord.
"The brain is organised into multiple levels of control including the spinal cord at the low level to the neocortex at the high level, " he said.
For her pioneering approach to biomaterial development to regenerate damaged nerve tissue and for her development of a new method to deliver drugs to the spinal cord and brain.
If the pregnancy is carried to term, the newborn needs an operationa few days later, so the spinal cord can be pushed back into the spinal column.
CNN: Study: Major benefits for spina bifida surgery in the womb
Scientists have discovered that, contrary to long-standing dogma, nerve cells in the spinal cord do retain an intrinsic ability to regenerate despite their normal failure to do so.
At McAllen Medical Center, I saw an orthopedic surgeon work under an operating microscope to remove a tumor that had wrapped around the spinal cord of a fourteen-year-old.
Research has identified at least six possible growth-inhibiting proteins in the spinal cord, and no one knows how many need to be turned off or which ones are most important.
Tulipan said he believes the surgery should be done as early as possible because the longer the spinal cord is exposed to amniotic fluid, the more it can be damaged.
CNN: Study: Major benefits for spina bifida surgery in the womb
That is a controversial claim, since it implies that changes in the spinal cord are somehow driving changes in the brain, despite the severance of the connection between the two.
When it is injected into muscle, the AAV particles are sucked up by the hand-like protrusions connecting muscles with the nervous system, all the way back up into the spinal cord.
To solve this problem, the researchers at the Max Planck Institute developed a technique using a fluorescent dye to make the spinal cord transparent, replacing the water that is normally there.
This, Dr Silver is convinced, is because the activity in the light-sensitive neurons somehow activated a latent nerve pathway that spans both sides of the spinal cord, allowing them to synchronise.