Fortunately, the spring snow was not expected to affect Washington's famous cherry blossoms.
The clean-energy glut was predictable, given the tendency of snow to melt in the spring and given whopping increases in the region's wind-generating capacity.
Although the changing weather patterns may have harmed the start of the season, it appears they have had a beneficial effect on the end as more snow now falls in the Spring.
Some looked to daylight saving time beginning over the weekend and early crocuses poking out of the snow as a sign that spring will soon be here.
As the snow melts in spring, the forests are exposed to the sunlight.
The Cold Spring Harbor district used its built-in snow days after Superstorm Sandy hit the region Oct. 29, she said.
When that snow falls in the spring, it often warms up quickly, creating unstable conditions, he said.
This would force a hiring freeze and the furloughing of permanent staff, as well as delay spring openings of the park to save money on costly snow-ploughing operations.
Located 55km north of Graaff-Reinet along a gravel road through the Sneeuberg (Snow Mountains), the remote village of Nieu Bethesda has a spring-fed network of irrigation channels, giving it the appearance of a green oasis.
Now he faces a difficult decision of whether to risk further funds by planting spring crops in the fields that remain under snow.
What will happen when the sun finally comes out and the snow stops and the ice melts and the whole landscape is transformed into spring and stuff is blooming and farmers are running their gigantic combines up and down the long rows?
The high spring flows would mimic the historic flows of the Missouri, which were larger due to runoff from snow melt.
"Following a winter of wind and heavy snow disrupting sporting fixtures and with spring in the air, we thought all our troubles were over, " says BBC Wales' head of sport, Geoff Williams.
But when Gmoser filed his indictment last week after snow was forecast to fall after the official start of spring, renewed attention made it feel like Feb. 2 all over again.
The MCofS's safety adviser said patches of snow that survive into late spring and early summer tended to be hard and high up on sheltered, northern slopes of mountains.
BBC: Hillwalkers warned about mixing hard snow and toileting
Naykary Silva, a 26-year-old Mexican woman in the country illegally, joined about 200 people who marched in Denver's spring snow, hoping for legislation that would ensure medical care for her 3-year-old autistic son.
"Mowing the lawn is a lot better than plowing snow, " said Robert Fayda, of Cold Spring Hills.
We'd initially hoped to leave the Toughbook sitting on a pile of snow for a half-hour, but an early spring thaw left us looking for another option -- provided by a chest freezer that was operating a few degrees below 0 Fahrenheit.
ENGADGET: Durable faceoff and torture test: Panasonic's Toughbook 30 vs. GammaTech's Durabook D15RP
While it's spring on the calendar, a snowstorm is bearing down on the Northeast after dumping from 7 to 15 inches of snow from Colorado to the Midwest.