They were then compared for their engagement with those who got the standard advertising experience.
Sony engineers invented Betamax, only to see the cheaper VHS become the standard for videocassette recorders.
The camera interface consists of the standard Android controls, and per usual it handled auto-focus and white balance.
That would come to at least a 10 mpg improvement over the standard 2012 Audi A8.
King allowed Diffrient to follow his design instincts, for the standard 3%-of-sales royalty deal.
The standard number of samples taken doubled to 12 over the last decade, he said.
We hope that we will raise the standard and keep people in the industry with pride.
Last year alone, the Standard diverted 40 percent of all U.S. corn towards ethanol production.
The standard advice here is to return the private financial sector to health through recapitalisation.
He didn't start particularly well but I thought after 5-0 the standard was very good.
And there are noteworthy compositions on the programs that merit a place in the standard repertoire.
WSJ: Will to Create, Will to Live | And the Music Played On | By Barbara Jepson
The standard of living rocketed upward, making America the richest nation in world history.
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It even has the ability to talk to the standard Xbox controller for some Move-like functionality.
But only about 350, 000 of them can afford the standard IVF treatment to conceive.
In addition, the standard we set last year for cars and light trucks runs through 2016.
The standard 20% carry fee applies to any profits made in the given year.
However, as previously reported by The Standard, one New York-based company, InfoSplit, disagrees with that finding.
CNN: Technology - Yahoo! opens legal can of worms with sale of Nazi-related items
This 2, 662-page revised edition of the standard unabridged dictionary of American English was emphatically descriptivist.
Marine constables undertake sea survival training in addition to the standard special constable training.
Too much outside of the standard envelope and you have to start asking questions.
The Toughbook C1 sets the standard for what an enterprise convertible tablet should be.
ENGADGET: Panasonic slips Core i5 into 'world's lightest' 12.1-inch Toughbook C1 convertible tablet
The policies it bought were all past the standard two-year contestability period, Mr. Thomas said.
Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive technology remains the standard by which other hybrids are judged.
WSJ: 2012 Toyota Prius c Review: Pleasure Not Included | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
The very first game of the season against Motherwell was a gauge of the standard.
Lastly, I'm left wondering what the lack of NFC means for the future of the standard.
We are trying to create a reasonable alternative to the standard emerging market mutual fund product.
Now Manuel will be the standard-bearer for what was considered a weak class for quarterbacks.
And higher taxes have the effect of lowering the standard of living for those it affects.
It features the standard tools of the desktop versions along with accessibility via laptop or Smartphone.
Gems are the standard currency of the game for level ups and global upgrades.