In Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Bahrain and Syria, no-one is burning the stars and stripes.
On the roof of Frank Johnson's office in Montgomery flew the Stars and Stripes.
The Union Jack behind the band was joined by the Stars and Stripes.
One man arrived in a bus painted with the Stars and Stripes and accompanied by a pet monkey in a nappy.
In 1990, the Stars and Stripes was most visible amid foreign flags.
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We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.
Thompson said the veterans didn't have specific permission to raise the Gadsden flag, but they never needed specific permission to raise the Stars and Stripes on city property, either.
Early on, it was mostly young Mexican-Americans, people born in the U.S., who carried the Mexican flag, and it was mostly immigrants, the people from Mexico, who carry the stars and stripes.
Having nothing better in mind, he hops on board, and the ship sails off, beneath the Golden Gate Bridge, with the Stars and Stripes, at its stern, barely visible under a dying sky.
Dr Fril has used this knowledge to create a FrenchFlag fish, with a blue head, a white body and a red tail, and hopes to follow it soon with one depicting the stars and stripes.
In Portland, Maine, kids and even pets displayed the Stars and Stripes as veterans, youth groups law enforcement officials and civic organizations paraded to Monument Square to the tunes of a marching band, sirens from a police car and the rumble of motorcycles.
The comparison between the gridiron and a war zone becomes even more similar now, as the NFL is looking into implementing the same helmet sensors the Army uses to gather data on head trauma after impact, according to the Stars and Stripes, an independent news source of the military.
FORBES: NFL to Follow Army's Lead on Helmet Sensors in Attempt to Prevent Head Injury
On the TV in the corner the station signs off, broadcasting its nightly salutation, the waving Stars and Stripes, our national anthem.
They were just bunch of young women from Great Britain, happy about a win and walking in the Manchester rain, stars and stripes draped over their shoulders.
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His tune "Fauxjobim, " in the middle of the program, makes covert reference to the Sousa march "Stars and Stripes Forever, " which is radically recast as a slow ballad at the end of the disc.
For the fourth season in a row, Major League Baseball clubs will mark the day by featuring Stars and Stripes caps as part of their game day uniforms.
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As the Suwanee Quintet sang gospel tunes, Brown -- decked out in a black leather jacket with stars and stripes down the sleeves -- grabbed the microphone and added his signature screech to applause from the crowd.
In general, the American press corps covering ETO -- whether for the wire services, individual newspapers or magazines, radio, or the GIs' paper, Stars and Stripes -- did an outstanding job.
At the racetrack a gleaming red car, which had been flying a large stars and stripes out of a back window is at the back of the pack, overtaken by all the others.
Bobak Ferdowsi, a flight director who changed his hair style for every milestone in the mission, had buzzed the sides of his head and dyed it with stars and stripes.
The goal is to expand the current number to 45, 000, according to Stars and Stripes.
FORBES: NFL to Follow Army's Lead on Helmet Sensors in Attempt to Prevent Head Injury
"Stars and Stripes did a fantastic job over the five races we've had, " said Walker.
At Marlin Steel two giant stars-and-stripes flags hang above the heads of the workers, industrial robots and laser cutters.
You can buy a stars-and-stripes-decorated statuette of the Liberty Bell with an eagle perched on it.
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Heading east along the I-81, I catch fleeting glimpses of familiar country music scenes: countless fluttering Stars and Stripes flags, pick-up trucks outside shabby roadhouses.