"The state of the art search-and-rescue robotics is actually quite limited, " he told the BBC.
It also led to a move to the state of the art, more profitable Staples Center.
What sort of audience does Avellone see for games in the style of the state of the art a decade ago?
FORBES: Contemplating Eternity: Chris Avellone Talks Sales, Souls and (Kick)Starts
The level of due diligence review of money managers undertaken by pension consultants as described above, is the state of the art today.
In judging the appropriate standard, however, the relevant test should not be the state of the art of Western machine tools and like technologies.
And like any new automotive feature as it spreads, the state of the art in push-button starts still leaves some things to be technically desired.
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Given the state of the art at the time, critics scoffed at the idea that these exotic, speed-of-light weapons could ever be made to work.
The state of the art in this model of programming is Pegasystems, which is often called a BPM system but is really a declarative application development environment.
General Motors seems to have advanced the state of the art with its CUE system in the new Cadillac ATS, which among other things provides lots of customization.
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We at the Center for Security Policy believe it imperative that the technology involved in the NASP be pursued as vigorously as the state of the art will permit.
And, then, there is to me the most worrying: the adamant rejection by Islamabad of any assistance from the state-of-the art forensic teams of the FBI and Scotland Yard.
We're all in favor of advancing the state of the art, but there are times when we suspect that research is more about "what if" explorations than anything else.
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Johnson and his team work with computer scientists to look at the current state of the art in hardware, software, and algorithms, as well as the research coming up.
We were using typewriters, where the state of the art way to correct a typo was to backspace and put a strip of white paper behind the key and retype the word.
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In a new report titled The Most Innovative Companies 2012: The State of the Art in Leading Industries, the firm reveals the 50 companies that global executives ranked as the most innovative.
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During the first stage of the project, this secretariat has taken on two fundamental tasks: documenting the State of the Art in teaching policy in the region, and drawing up criteria or guidelines for policy making in the field.
The State of the Art does not aim to present an exhaustive description of what is happening in each country in our region, but rather sets forth general traits, mainly drawn from the situations in the eight countries mentioned.
In preparation of the main topics of MINEPS V, three informal working groups have been established for the three Conference topics, in order to ensure the consideration of state of the art research and the involvement of competent experts.
"We are pleased that Lionsgate can again be at the forefront of digital cinema and be part of the state of the art digital delivery system that will benefit the entire industry, " said Richie Fay, Lionsgate's President of Domestic Theatrical Distribution.
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It would be one thing if a particular drug has been antiquated by new medicines that provide a better result, thereby mooting the reason for a drug company to continue manufacturing a drug that is no longer the state of the art.
Many are not cognizant of the African designers working for the coveted Italian, French or even American branded lines using African leather and organic cotton, nor is there a realization of the state of the art manufacturing facilities all over the continent.
Commanders argue that maintaining certain capabilities, like the state of the art combat hospital at Camp Bastion or the helicopter force leaves them no option but to maintain a garrison that will be measured in the thousands rather than hundreds until very near the end.
The State of the Art sets out to indicate the key trends that characterise the situation of teachers and policies relating to teachers, in terms of pre-service teacher training, continuing training, the teaching career, and working conditions for those in the profession, as well as the key institutional processes involved in the creation and implementation of public policies in the sphere of teaching.
Technology, after all, is an expanding universe and what was considered state-of-the-art in the 1980s is not necessarily state-of-the-art today.
The medical care that many athletes will receive from physicians and therapists at the new 36 million dollar state of the art medical complex in the Olympic Village the next 3 weeks will likely surpass the type of access to medical care that most residents in the UK will receive anytime soon.
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The combination reflects the increasingly unsettled state of the art market lately, as billionaire collectors chase after the world's priciest masterpieces while collectors further down the food chain sneer at second-tier material that suddenly looks overpriced.
The purpose of the project is to bring together the state-of-the-art in scientific and practical knowledge on SSM and to make that knowledge available through a practical training course.
The new library within the state-of-the-art Ahmed Baba Institute was opened in 2009, funded by South Africa.
As a ball club entering the third year in a state of the art facility in New York, the Mets are performing well below the expectations of Fred Wilpon.
FORBES: Money Wasn't the Only Thing that Madoff Stole from Fred Wilpon