Some Thai nationalists are even demanding that Buddhism be made the state religion in the new constitution now being drawn up.
Later it was expounded on by various Islamic scholars, such as Ibn Taymiiya in the 13th century, but it did not become institutionalized until the mid-18th century when the theories promulgated by the radical cleric Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab were accepted and imposed as the state religion of his realm by the founder of the House of Saud.
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Okay, with these two meanings in mind, in fact, in the same document, there is also the stipulation which is - which has been in the past, the old defunct constitution about Islam being the religion - the religion of state and the principles of shariah being the main source of legislation.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Adel Guindy: Islamism & the Facade of Egyptian Democracy
Defining the relationship between religion and the state was certainly easier when it could be assumed that religion's hold over people's lives and behaviour was in long-term decline.
ECONOMIST: Faith, law and democracy: Defining the limits of exceptionalism | The
The relationship between religion and the state is not an abstruse question of political philosophy.
Such essential questions as the proper relation between religion and the state, and between central and local government, remain to be resolved.
ECONOMIST: The Arab uprisings: Democracy's hard spring | The
Still, lingering uncertainty over the proper relationship between religion and the state creates discord over how much space should be allowed for debate.
Most believe forcing imams to preach in French would be an unnecessary intrusion by the state into their religion.
President Clinton has sought to defuse the growing number of disputes over the place of religion in state education in the United States.
And as we consider the profound disagreements that exist between the many organized churches within the Christian faith, how long would it be before Americans are fighting over whether the Protestant Church, by way of example, should be the official religion of a state or the nation thereby excluding Catholics, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, or any other Christian based faith?
The people who say that Penn State football is the local religion are not wrong.
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It stretches beyond the boundaries of state, religion and kinship to take in all individuals, equal in dignity and respect.
As Americans, they are uncomfortable with the notion of a state religion.
At least those polled clearly understand that establishing an official religion for their state would require a constitutional amendment as only 11 percent believe the Constitution currently allows a state to establish an official religion while 58 percent do not believe it to be constitutional.
The meeting discusses the role of religion in state and society.
Among early Christians, the millennialists were those, frowned on by Jerome and Augustine, who wanted to keep alive the excitement of a prophetic creed in the face of an institutionalising state religion.
You could think of this as one of the great issues of our time, the role of religion in a state.
Statisticians believe many Muslims used their legal right not to state their religion in the survey, according to the news website, Der Spiegel.
Whatever your own constitutional perspective may be when it comes to the propriety of either state or federal government establishing an official religion, each of us must consider the impact such a practice would likely have on the fundamental rights we have long valued as Americans.
France's strict secularism, entrenched by law since 1905, keeps religion firmly out of the state sphere.
It also had the highest percentage of residents who did not state a religion - 8% (693, 000) did not answer.
"In the 18th Century, that model of religious tolerance based on a state with diverse cultures, but no single dominant religion, became a model for the founding fathers, " said Mr Raby.
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The birth of a new religion in Punjab has had Sikhs worried the most, as it emerged in their state where the monotheistic faith was founded in the 15th century to break caste and religious distinctions.
The latest set of guidelines, the third on the subject during the Clinton administration, repeat the findings of the Supreme Court that state-funded schools should not promote religion.
By asking people to state their religion, or lack of it, the census was asking a complex question.
BBC: 2011 Census: Is Christianity shrinking or just changing?
Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself.
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That is why Herod built both Jerusalem and Caesarea, "in effect giving the country two capitals and positing a separation of religion from state, " Mr. Schwartz said.
WSJ: Shards of a Reputation | Herod the Great | Israel Museum | By Amotz Asa-El
One measure of Mr Chandler's plight: in a state where basketball is close to religion, even the endorsement of the University of Louisville basketball coach wasn't enough to save him.
One reason is their century-old secular tradition, which fiercely defends the separation of faith and state, and makes most French people uneasy about conspicuous religion.
Abiola, a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says many Nigerians turn to religion because they don't think they can rely on the state.