But when the tweakers took over the efficiency of the steam engine swiftly quadrupled.
Mechanisation, from the steam engine onwards, lightened the load of manual labour, creating jobs and wealth.
The steam engine, the first to be officially recorded at 100mph, was bought for the nation in 2004.
The locomotive is being refitted with vacuum brakes to enable it to tow the steam engine and carriages.
This features Matthew Boulton and James Watt who were most celebrated for bringing the steam engine into the textile manufacturing process.
For example, almost a hundred years separated the steam engine innovation and its peak technology deployment in the British economy.
FORBES: The Economist: Innovation Almost Dead. Perhaps Not So In Electricity
Ultimately, it wasn't Protestant conscience that eradicated slavery, but the ascendance of mass-production lines and innovations such as the steam engine.
Singer believes that the drones will be as transformative as the advent of gunpowder, the steam engine, the automobile, or the computer.
The innovation and wealth graph tilts up a bit during the Renaissance and again after the steam engine launched the first Industrial Revolution.
In fact, the day trip can feel like stepping back in time as the steam engine shuttles passengers in coaches dating from 1922.
These were followed, more recently, by technologies of prosperity like the steam engine, the assembly line, and complex systems of communication, power and finance.
They were joined on occasions by James Watt, the engineer who fine-tuned the steam engine, and Joseph Priestley, a burning radical who discovered oxygen.
For example, railways came into existence because of the invention of the steam engine and automobiles were created because of technology breakthroughs in automobile engines.
Since Game 3 they have regressed into their worrisome old selves, not the steam engine that wound down the regular season with a 13-game winning streak.
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The innovation and wealth graph tilts up ever so slightly during the Renaissance and then tilts again after the steam engine launched the first Industrial Revolution.
Like the folkloric John Henry and the steam engine, the contest drew machine learning experts from leading academic and private research firms and the attention of publications like The New York Times and Forbes.
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The Tornado was the first steam engine built to run on the UK mainline for almost 50 years and was assembled by steam enthusiasts in Darlington.
James Watt invented the modern steam engine, doubling the efficiency of the engines that had come before.
The restored steam engine travelled from its sheds near Earl's Court, west London, to start a journey from Kensington Olympia to Moorgate.
Not the interior secretary under Reagan, but the 18th-century Scot who got the idea for the first steam engine from his auntie's teakettle.
He was short and stocky, his nickname was The Little Steam Engine and yet, thanks to his blazing fastball and a mean pick-off move, he managed to win 364 games in his pro career.
The carving of a steam engine in black granite rests on top of a plinth, which includes a montage of images representing the railway industry.
Many seller of flooded cars will steam clean the engine compartment but usually forget to wipe down afterwards.
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Transformative inventions--the printing press, steam engine, telegraph, automobile, airplane, radio and television, computer and Internet and so on--require constant investment.
About 20 RAF personnel have pulled an "Ivor the Engine" steam train more than 50 metres in aid of Comic Relief.
BBC: RAF Benson team complete Comic Relief steam engine pull
It is the first time Owen Gareth Williams, Thomas Edison Jones and Emrys Austin Owen have seen the engine in full steam since it was retired.
In London, the world's first narrow gauge steam engine, Princess, was unveiled after being restored by craftsmen on the Ffestiniog Railway, where she was used 150 years ago.
Flemish enthusiasts at Steam Center Maldegem, a heritage center in northern Belgium, recently spent a cold day cutting spare boiler screws for their stable, which includes a Polish-built steam engine, the "General Maczek, " named for the Polish general who helped liberate Belgium in World War II.
It begins with an evocative description of George Stephenson's Rocket, a famous early steam engine, and traces the developments needed to make each of its individual components possible.