The Director-General also went on a tour of the Stone Town, and visited the Museum as well as other historic places.
He and his fellow members of the masons' guild had a monopoly of stone work in the town.
The e-petition was started by Stone town councillor Rob Kenney after "mixed-use development" was mentioned for the park in the Local Plan.
Though he travelled widely, he kept returning to the slate-and-stone town of Launceston in Cornwall, where he was born.
Set on curving stone streets, the old town retains a bohemian air, and the numerous museums and galleries here are bursting with the work of modern masters and artists of old.
We parked just below the summit of the mountain and walked into the town through a gap in the low stone wall that surrounded it.
WSJ: Dan Fante on Silent, Ancient Corvara, Italy | Traveler's Tale
Picture the beautiful village of Ipstones with its dry stone walls and weathered houses perched high above the market town of Leek, way up in the Staffordshire Moorlands.
The new service replaces a temporary satellite unit which was used as a stepping stone towards a permanent renal ward at the town's hospital.
Some of my favorite parts of the trip so far have been the time we spent in Mombasa and Stone Town in Zanzibar.
He said the Local Plan includes the provision of new retail outlets in Stone, but as there was "no room" in the town centre, the park was under threat.
The memo is one sent anonymously in May to the American top brass, soon after Osama bin Laden had been located and killed a stone's-throw from an elite military academy in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad.
Gentle green hills line the meandering stream, and below them lies a pretty little town with an old stone bridge.
Today this low-rise town is a modest spread of boxy cream-coloured stone, but its prosperous heyday was in the 6th Century and remnants of Byzantine finery remain behind its unassuming facades.