The film, directed by Calin Peter Netzer, tells the story of a wealthy mother who uses her connections to try and stop her son from going to jail.
In The Ballad of Lee Cotton, Christopher Wilson tells the story of the son of a mixed-race mother and Icelandic father, whose background - which makes him white - sets him apart from his friends in Eureka, Mississippi.
However, in a bizarre twist of the story, Mirlande Wilson, a 37-year-old single mother of seven who works at McDonald's, told the Post on Friday that she isn't sure where she last had the ticket.
Nairobi, Kenya (CNN) -- When I think of the story of African women, I immediately think of my mother and I want to use her story as a frame of reference in how African leaders can improve the lives of women.
This brings to mind the story of a sixth grader who came home to his mother to announce his exam grade.
The son of a white mother and an African father, he drew on his own life story for the themes that drove his campaign: hope, change and that anything is possible in America.
The baby had been either murdered or killed accidentally after being snatched from his crib and, in the dark, still in bedclothes, carried out a window of the second-story nursery and down a makeshift ladder to the ground while the nurse and mother were occupied in their ordinary evening activities in another part of the house.
The story, which takes place in Memphis, Tennessee, concerns the transformation of Michael Oher, a black teen-ager whose mother was a crack addict, from a street kid to an All-American college football player, thanks to the intervention of the wealthy white Tuohy family.
"And there's a song I wrote for my mother called The Story of Us".
We follow the story of single mother Mary Alton, who watches with horror as her daughter kills herself on a live broadcast of a nightmarish reality show.
Back when I was a kid, growing up on the mean streets of Mahopac, New York, we returned home from a day at school and did (always in this order) three things: First, we had a snack (long story, but my mother hid the treats in the trunk of our '80 Datsun 510, leaving my brother and me a choice of plain graham crackers, carrots or -- dear God -- homemade yogurt).
Toibin's text is lyrical and paranoid, offering in just 90 minutes a glimpse of a mother's alienation from history, from, in fact, The Greatest Story Ever Told.
Hooper paid tribute to his mother, who had drawn his attention to the story after she attended a reading of the tale when it was an unproduced play.
To make sure that children don't stumble into a disturbing story, Cindy Hudson, author of "Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs, " suggests that parents read the novel alongside them.
She told with great emphasis a story about her mother, who remembered falling and breaking her teeth on the steps leading into the courtyard of a lost family home, steps that were tall and broad to accommodate the enormous tread of a riding elephant.
Mary Stutts , a senior director in corporate communications at Genentech, tells the story of one woman, an African-American single mother, who was one of the best responders to Tarceva, the lung cancer treatment Genentech developed with Melville, N.