The paintings will be displayed at the Derby Museum and Art Gallery on The Strand, Derby.
The Strand Nexus also carries a number of "apps" for science and outreach.
They said the arrest fell under the strand of the investigation they have termed "others".
Currently food waste and leftovers from its Simpson's-in-the Strand restaurant are recycled by the PDM Group.
James was abducted by Venables and Thompson while at the Strand shopping centre in Bootle.
Police said the individual fell under the strand of the investigation termed "Savile and others".
Police say Mr Starr's arrest falls under the strand of the investigation classed as "Savile and others".
BBC: Broadcaster backs BBC against Jimmy Savile 'witch-hunt'
Clement Danes -- the Royal Air Force Chapel -- on the Strand, before being transferred to the gun carriage.
The time-challenged make a beeline to the Queen Victoria Building or the Strand Arcade downtown for multistore, one-stop shopping.
The individual falls under the strand of the investigation we have termed 'others'.
Hobsons shoe shop on the Strand in Derby has put a display with five coloured rings in its window.
The Strand was also where I found a signed copy of The Gift by a favorite author, David Flusfeder.
FORBES: Guilt By Association: Book Inscriptions From the Famous and the Infamous
The second strand of nucleotides is the complement of the sense strand, but reads completely differently, hence the name antisense.
The Armenian Sarkies brothers, who built the Strand and Raffles, went bankrupt in the rubber slump of the early 1930s.
His arrest comes under the strand referred to as "others" by investigating officers, meaning he is unconnected to the Savile abuse.
You would not have noticed him as he strolled round the literary festival at Hay-on-Wye every year, or even in the Strand.
Arts show The Strand will be axed from April next year, while World Briefing will be replaced by a new programme, The Newsroom.
The Metropolitan Police said he was charged under the strand of the operation looking at complaints against people not connected to the late DJ.
Singer weaves that history through drawings, photographs, residents' letters, travel writing, newspaper advertisements, his own text and even a 1932 menu from the Strand Hotel.
If you have an eye and a streak of adventurousness, you can invest in emerging painters at the decade-old River Gallery at the Strand Hotel.
Although he once produced a Savile radio show, Mr De'Ath's arrest was under the strand of Yewtree looking at complaints unconnected to the investigation into Savile himself.
SSTL, which is a world leader in the production of small commercial spacecraft, hopes some of the Strand lessons can filter through to its more traditional products.
Solely in London are seven locations of The Cornish Bakehouse, including one I have visited on The Strand, very well located in the heart of the city.
An ingrate, in any case, cashing out at the Strand.
FORBES: Guilt By Association: Book Inscriptions From the Famous and the Infamous
Main roads across the city had to be closed as participants swam in the docks, cycled and ran along the Strand, Upper Parliament Street and past the Three Graces.
It was set up in the wake of the Savile scandal, but the arrest is part of the strand looking at complaints against people not connected to the late DJ.
On Wednesday, Lady Thatcher's coffin will travel by hearse from the Palace of Westminster to the Church of St Clement Danes - the Central Church of the RAF - on the Strand.
It is the tenth successive year that the council has been awarded a Blue Flag for the west strand in Portrush and the sixth time that the town's east strand has received the accolade.
It then moves down Fleet Street, past Aldwych and into The Strand before reaching Trafalgar Square, where there will be a big screen at the bottom of Nelson's Column showing proceedings with live commentary.
The Strand is still there, but totally renovated as a top-of-the-range hotel, where a bowl of spicy lentil soup and a bottle of Mandalay beer will cost you as much as a room once did.