While agriculture was the message, the mission was the straw poll for the candidates.
This time around there are 23 names on the straw poll ballot, including some who were not invited to CPAC.
Teresa Ferguson of Albertville, Alabama, sees a value in the straw poll.
There's one glaring omission from the 23 names on the straw poll ballot: Jeb Bush, who asked not to be on the list.
All along, the Forbes strategy was to show that Bush did not have the race locked up, not to win the straw poll outright.
The same order of top three finishers in the straw poll were the same order as the top three finishers in the national poll, and so to those skeptics who were concerned about the accuracy of the straw poll, the national poll provided empirical evidence that it was a pretty good representative sample of what's going on.
But there's also been plenty of criticism in recent years that the CPAC straw poll is not the indicator it once was.
Since the August Republican straw poll, the office has been largely vacant, with mail piling up and phones going unanswered.
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll in Ames, followed by libertarian Congressman Ron Paul.
Third, in winning the Florida straw poll, he showed organizational strategy and message can be more powerful than money.
She put in several strong debate performances ahead of the GOP presidential primaries and went on to win the Iowa straw poll in August 2011.
Her decision to run in the GOP presidential primaries gave her a brief jolt in the summer of 2011, when she put in several strong debate performances and went on to win the Iowa straw poll that August.
Those efforts paid dividends this year, with Paul coming in second at the recent Ames Straw Poll just behind Michele Bachmann, who invested in shrewdly integrating digital boots on the ground to her overall, successful push in Iowa.
The Iowa Republican Party, which is hosting its straw poll in the city of Ames this weekend, is waiting to see what New Hampshire decides before announcing a date for its caucuses.
CNN: South Carolina GOP moves up primary, adds to 2008 scramble
He then failed to win majority support from the IMF in a straw poll.
But with less than two months until the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll, I wait with baited breath.
FORBES: Michele Bachmann Enters Presidential Race...Where's Palin?
John Kline, a Bachmann volunteer who attended the Des Moines tea party rally this week, said he has been working phone banks for the candidate in the weeks since her straw poll victory.
An online straw poll on the doctors-only Web site Sermo.com found that 94% of 10, 500 physicians polled oppose the bill.
And by the way there was a straw poll, which surprisingly, was run by, won by Tennessee Senator, Bill Frist, who--the homeboy.
In an unscientific straw poll at the Martyrs' Memorial this week, students, tourists and even an Oxford don chaining up her bicycle (sturdy frame, wicker basket) could not say what it commemorated.
It is not one based on an imagined straw poll of the partially informed hypothetical man on the street, but based on how a person of reasonable judgment, aware of all the facts, as well as how courts function, would decide.
He topped a straw poll held at the end of the three-day Conservative Political Action Conference, with 38% of the vote.
He came in second in a straw poll this weekend at the Values Voters Summit and he's running third in several Iowa polls.
In one Davos session, a straw poll was held: is the financial system safer now?
But this is not a call to some nostalgic lost era of education, and nor is the life-crushing tedium of school computing unique to the U.K. It appears, in a straw poll, to be common across a lot of Western Europe.
They did a straw poll of presidential preference and Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, won that.
Brad Zaun, another state senator working behind-the-scenes for Bachmann, said the campaign has a head start on Perry thanks to its straw poll efforts.