Despite Moscow's announcement, another longtime Syrian ally predicted Tuesday that Damascus will emerge triumphant from the strife.
The economy has certainly been hurt by the disruption following Tunisia's revolution and the strife in neighbouring Libya.
Area after area of neglect can be catalogued, from the strife-torn Andes to regions around the world undermined by climate change.
But the current tribunal has been given the power by the UN of taking precedence over any national legal authorities in the strife-torn region.
Morsy on Wednesday was in Berlin, where he referred to the strife in his country during a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Clashes in the past week have added several thousand Kosovars to the 200, 000-plus who have fled their homes since the strife began a year ago.
Georgia has to handle several hundred thousand volatile and resentful people, from within Georgia and from outside, displaced in the strife-ridden aftermath of the Soviet Union's collapse.
Two administration officials involved in the bargaining with congressional Republicans said little was accomplished this week, in part because House negotiators were preoccupied with the strife within their ranks.
Whereas the United States and European governments have castigated the Syrian government for shooting protesters, virtually all Arab governments in the vicinity have been silent, fearing a sectarian spillover if the strife were to worsen and spread.
So now there are the Gandhian fasts, the labor strife, the laments from industrialists.
More generally, the coming strife will shape the debate about the integration of the world economy.
Until last week, the United States paid lip service to the need to end of the Yugoslav strife while relying on the European Community's utterly ineffectual efforts to bring it about.
Bush hopes the nominations will bring an end to the partisan strife visited upon judicial nominations since the Senate defeated Ronald Reagan's nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court, the official said.
Three-quarters of Lazard's revenues are paid back in compensation, a fact that caused much of the initial strife between Wasserstein and Michel David-Weill , scion of the family who founded the firm and the leader of the capitalist group.
This is because much of the internal strife between minority and majority populations within states today is financed and often directed from outside the country.
We already have seen how volatile, contentious, and divisive the political strife over Medicare has been.
Goodell helped work out the new 10-year labor deal that ended the labor strife.
The last time the league had labor strife, the entire 2004-05 season was eliminated.
"We should not let those extremists ignite the sectarian strife in this country, " he said Thursday in a nationwide address.
Western countries are desperate to avoid the ethnic strife that could trigger further unrest in neighbouring Macedonia, which has a large, unhappy Albanian minority.
Unless this is some enormous coincidence, this means the Pakistani military is even more deeply involved in the continuing strife in Afghanistan than we believed.
FORBES: Did the Pakistani Military Know Where Osama bin Laden Was Hiding?
The United States is concerned about the command and control of Soviet nuclear weapons, the potential for ethnic strife inside the former USSR and the international implications of economic collapse there.
Yesterday's deal may solve California's immediate budgetary problems but it does little to address the structure of the underlying revenue-raising and budget-setting process, which are the cause of perennial strife for the state.
In a wide-ranging interview, Rogers revealed the internal strife he went through when trying to reconcile his love of playing football for a living with his desire to be honest with those closest to him.
The Iraqi invasion brought about civil strife in the country, and increased the Iranian influence in the region.
Investors continue to expect steep oil price volatility in the months ahead as political strife continues in the Arab world pushes prices higher and the recession bound economies of Europe are pushing prices lower.
So the missing piece for Peace: resolve the underlying cause of strife rather than tussling with the symptoms.
FORBES: To Bring True Peace To The Middle East, Women In Palestine And Israel Must Take Center Stage