"We can't approach the subtlety of skin, sensation of temperature, touching things yet, " admits Gow.
This teaches us a few important lessons about the distribution of the capitalist bounty and the subtlety of economic growth.
The result is a fascinating demonstration of the subtlety that a new generation of historians is bringing to the period.
They tend to lack the emotional intelligence, the subtlety of character to elicit the best from their people when times get tough.
The trees, some so ancient and so bent that they are sculptures themselves, enhance the majesty and the subtlety of the bronzes.
' He seemed to be enjoying the subtlety of his cross examination.
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Lars Dalgaard packs all the subtlety of a Jolt-juiced mosh pit.
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However, Simon Davies, a former senior visiting fellow at the London School of Economics and founder of the Privacy International watchdog, said Facebook's characterization lacked the subtlety of real-world interactions.
The band of last year's event might not have the subtlety of the Prodigy or Chase And Status but they do have one trick (Rob Swire's synth) which works superbly well.
Truth be told, Barzelay's work has always mixed wryness with unmistakable warmth, and he's never gotten enough credit for both the subtlety of the former and the sincerity of the latter.
Intel landed in the tablet market with all the subtlety of a bag full of bricks Monday, announcing it has signed up more than 35 customers for a new version of its Atom processor targeting tablet computers.
Even those who feel that Hugh Wheeler's slightly vulgar book coarsens "Smiles of a Summer Night, " the Ingmar Bergman film on which the show is based, will likely come away thinking that all you need do to purge the show of its occasional verbal excesses is to perform it with the subtlety that is the hallmark of this production.
Anyone who understands the traditional subtlety of the Chinese mandarinate knows what this means.
In one sense, they are archetypes, yet Mr McGahern manages to give them the psychological subtlety of real individuals.
The prize for subtlety may yet go to the Socialist Party, led by Ivan Rybkin.
Lastly, when costing nuclear power, it is essential to remember the scope, scale and subtlety of the subsidies it has received.
Reading it afterward, though, I was struck by the intelligence, eloquence and subtlety of the first-person narrative, qualities that the screen version, in its mania for hurtling action, manages to bland out.
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With comedy that ranged from the laugh-out-loud-obvious to the slow-burning subtlety that you only 'got' the morning after, this is decidedly good and appropriate theatre to watch in snowy Suffolk!
As Lucilla, the sister of the villainous Emperor Commodus, Nielsen brought some much-needed subtlety to the swords-and-sandals epic and held her own sharing the screen with Joaquin Phoenix and Russell Crowe.
Within a quarter century, nonbiological intelligence will match the range and subtlety of human intelligence.
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Each term is used to designate a meaningful and distinct phenomenon, and thus illustrates the refinement and subtlety with which Inupiat perceive and interact with their local ice environment.
At some point during the pursuit, the villain runs out of bullets, and just in case subtlety is lost on the audience, the now desperate villain throws his gun in the general direction of his pursuer and runs for his life.
Two aspects of this production are not quite worthy of the play's subtlety.
As with real reading, the ability to comprehend subtlety and complexity comes only with time and a lot of experience.
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The promotion should feel like it was crafted in the same style as the film, with subtlety and a well written script.
It's the kind of parenthetical subtlety one doesn't expect from many mainstream movies, but especially one working so hard for exclamation points.
This lends a fresh, exotic subtlety to the bright major-key sound.
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Not that much subtlety on the Strip, then or now.
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That's perfectly true, even if he's a teetotaler when it comes to introspection, and Jack Nicholson brings more subtlety to the part than he's been willing or able to muster in recent films.