The subject of the hearing was how to strengthen the office of the surgeon general.
Never mind the Surgeon General's warning on both types of cigarettes that they can be killers.
Koop's impact was great, although the surgeon general has no real authority to set government policy.
The surgeon general can lead that attitude change with more authority than any other public official.
She should probably be the Surgeon General of the United States, I suspect, because she must be a genius.
In 1965, Congress passed the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act requiring the surgeon general's warnings on all cigarette packages.
Similarly, the Surgeon General just released a report noting that smoking among teens and adults had reached epidemic proportions.
This is a fact sheet of the recent full report by the Surgeon General on what is happening in teen smoking.
FORBES: Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults |
It was the largest public health mailing ever, according to a biography of Koop on a website of the surgeon general.
Congress in 1965 required that all cigarette packages carry warning labels, ones that were made under the surgeon general's name five years later.
Enormous public health campaigns, starting with the 1965 government mandate that the Surgeon General's warning adorn every pack, have helped drive down cigarette use.
In smoking's golden age, before the Surgeon General spoiled the fun, serious smokers would don embroidered and tasseled smoking caps and cozy smoking jackets.
By now, however, enough research has been done by privately funded scholars that the surgeon general could write a report based on existing material.
Dr. Regina Benjamin is the Surgeon General of the United States.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Posts Related to the African American Community
She should probably be the surgeon general of the United States.
The next big blow to the tobacco industry came in the early 1960s, with the formation of the Surgeon General's Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health.
But Koop, a devout Presbyterian, was confirmed after he told a Senate panel he would not use the surgeon general's post to promote his religious ideology.
But given that the Surgeon General's warning on smoking came in 1964, it's doubtful that many people needed a reminder of cigarettes' health risks 34 years later.
He has also held other roles with the cancer society, co-chaired the Surgeon General's Task Force on Cancer Health Disparities and filled a variety of capacities at the National Cancer Institute.
Everett Koop, who raised the profile of the surgeon general by riveting America's attention on the then-emerging disease known as AIDS and by railing against smoking, has died in New Hampshire at age 96.
New tobacco companies, which by definition could not have participated in the decades-long scheme to convince smokers that the Surgeon General and their own doctors were lying to them, must post the equivalent of a bond to the states just to get into the business.
FORBES: Will The Compact Clause Trump The Tobacco Settlement?
So when the Army Surgeon General started the meeting yesterday...
Toward the end of his four-year stint as surgeon general, in an informal poll that I conducted, only five of 60 experts in public health and public policy could identify the current surgeon general, even when offered a multiple-choice format.
The hospital said it referred the surgeon to the General Medical Council.
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Everett Koop, surgeon general in the Reagan administration, and Dr. David Satcher, surgeon general during the Clinton administration, also testified.
The argument was settled by the famous surgeon general's report of 1964.
In an informal poll that I conducted earlier this year, only nine of 47 experts in public health could identify the current Surgeon General.
This worked well until 1964, when a devastating report from the surgeon-general's advisory committee in effect ended medical uncertainty about the harmfulness of smoking.