Darwinian evolution requires genetic diversity plus competition that yields the survival of the fittest.
In past ages, the law governing the survival of the fittest roughly weeded out the less desirable strains.
It's Darwin's theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest.
It is as though we are determined to regress to the most primitive condition of existence in the animal world, of the survival of the fittest.
"Generally, it would be fair to say that it comes down to the survival of the fittest as fitter occupants are more likely to survive a crash, " he said.
For one thing, the phenomenon of resistance to herbicides, antibiotics, pesticides and chemotherapeutic drugs is well-known and a largely unavoidable concomitant of evolutionary pressure, the result of survival of the fittest.
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In a way it is a sign of Big Money acting as if it is the survival of the fittest will win the competition to be in the top 1%.
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Bartlett applies his down-and-dirty, black-humored and trenchant approach to the concept of business employment as survival of the fittest.
The rupture of social links, which we see in a survival of the fittest deranged individualism, also breaks the links between the generations.
Many will succumb to the harsh survival-of-the-fittest-and-fleetest business environment, a lot will be acquired by giant corporations, and only a handful will achieve runaway success on a global scale.
Survival of the fittest means survival of those best able to adapt to changing circumstances.
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From civilization built on mutual survival to survival of the fittest in its rawest, ugliest form.
Survival of the fittest is all about survival of those most able to adapt to changing circumstances.
This evolution is about survival of the fittest - which policy mutation allows the most votes to survive.
Darwin told us that survival of the fittest is all about survival of those best able to adapt to change.
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Our success has never just been about survival of the fittest.
That is why they call it: Survival of the Fittest.
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Greed, survival of the fittest, ego and the exploitation of natural resources at the expense of the environment are things that the Arhuac cannot comprehend and suffer with patience.
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During three frantic months late in 1975, Houghton changed Corning's management style from paternalistic to survival-of-the-fittest.