At 7:00am, the Sydney Opera House hosts tours for just eight people to backstage areas normally off-limits to theatre-goers.
CNN: 24 hours in Sydney: Cocktails, scenic walks ... and sharks?
Anderson recently held a concert for dogs at the Sydney Opera House.
But at least it is not as bad as the (in)famous mother of all planning disasters: The Sydney Opera House.
FORBES: People always finish projects behind schedule and over budget - but here is some help
Amphlett met musician Mark McEntee at a concert at the Sydney Opera House in 1980 and the pair formed the Divinyls.
In her role in Australia, Ms Isherwood has overseen running 2, 500 performances at the Sydney Opera House, which operates from five venues.
This contemporary three-storey hotel is known for its breezy indoor-outdoor public areas and spectacular views of the Sydney Opera House through floor-to-ceiling windows and balconies.
The request is part of a campaign which sees some of world's landmarks, including the Sydney Opera House and the pyramids, turn green on 17 March.
BBC: Queen answers Irish bid to turn Buckingham Palace green
Fifteen years ago, he was also singing with a local opera company when he got a call to substitute for a singer at the Sydney Opera House.
Little Bennelong Island, a tiny hummock of land, was appropriated by the mainland in the 1820s and now makes up the tip of Bennelong Point, home to the Sydney Opera House.
The Sydney Opera House management has tried to quell the rumblings by putting up sound deflectors in the ceilings but the orchestra say they just look like toilet seats and don't help at all.
In terms of the location they say it's the finest place in the world to attend a concert but the sad truth is that for the moment the Sydney Opera House should be seen and not heard.
Sydney's summer sun has disappeared under a blanket of smoke so thick at times that iconic structures such as the Sydney Opera House and the harbour bridge could not be seen from the city centre, and flights have had to be diverted to other places.
Mr Piano, who comes from a long line of Italian masterbuilders, collaborated with Richard Rogers on the Pompidou Centre in Paris, and is now working on a commission at the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, as well as on a skyscraper near the Sydney Opera House.
As the de facto host to the Forbes event (the national government is also sponsoring but its leaders have been in political limbo), Keneally had two turns Tuesday before the 400 international attendees: at a lunch where she conversed on stage with Steve Forbes, and at a lavish dinner at the Sydney Opera House.
Sydney (at the Opera House), after which we celebrated by climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge and drinking vast schooners of Victoria Bitters ale.
The theatre pre-dated the much larger, similarly-inspired, Sydney Opera House.
Two hours later, the huge crowds around the harbour in the Australian city of Sydney watched as seven tonnes of fireworks lit up the famous landmarks of the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House to a soundtrack co-written by Australian singer Kylie Minogue.
The convention center may well become Songdo's signature for its arching, multipeaked structure that evokes Sydney's opera house.
It broke several of the rules laid down for the competition to design a new opera house (in fact, two performance halls) on Bennelong Point, in Sydney.