One way of accelerating this will be to encourage more women to join the teaching profession.
The teaching profession should receive the recognition it deserves and should be a rewarding career for teachers.
The government wanted to "trust" the teaching profession, "not busybody and patronise" it, Mr Gove told the Commons.
Everything, maybe, except to the lower orders of the teaching profession and the massed ranks of elected politicians.
ECONOMIST: Economics focus: The difference that choice makes | The
He also said the performance management system for the teaching profession was not intended to be a bureaucratic process.
BBC: NASUWT Cymru: Quiet revolution claim at Swansea meeting
And the government also wants to attract brighter people into the teaching profession.
President of the National Association of Head Teachers, Eric Spear said his words gave credibility to the teaching profession's concerns.
But all the reformers want is for the teaching profession to copy what firms like North Star have been doing for years.
The set-aside would support programs that recruit talented candidates into the teaching profession and provide them with rigorous training to prepare them for high-need schools.
Its chief executive, Carol Adams, set out the council's aims when it starts work in September, to promote and regulate the teaching profession and advise ministers.
As a self-declared "staunch supporter" of the teaching profession and local education authorities - but opponent of selection - Mr Willis had been moderately supportive of Labour policies.
Cynics among the teaching profession might be surprised that this was not a glad-handing, promotional trip, but was an assiduous and unglamorous trawl of the German education system.
As part of my Government's drive to raise achievements in schools, a consultation paper will be brought forward on the most far-reaching reforms of the teaching profession in 50 years.
For instance, half a year of student teaching strikes me as a huge and unnecessary barrier to entry into the teaching profession for many people who work in other fields already.
Currently, the salary structure of the teaching profession is highly rigid, and that would also have to change in a world where we want to rate teachers on their actual performance.
The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, said when he launched the education commission report this week that it should not be taken as a criticism of the teaching profession of today.
Secretary Duncan and I will be working to promote the teaching profession to show young people that teaching is one of the best and most rewarding ways to serve our country.
It was a radical recasting of the teaching profession to embed teaching assistants alongside teachers and give them a defined role - now more than 130, 000 of them, double the number in 1997.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
The method, which is not without its critics in the teaching profession, assesses each child and gives them suitable exercises to be repeated until they are successful and move on to harder sums.
Mr Twigg also hit out at the government, saying it has "pitched itself against" the teaching profession, "against the very people it needs onside to deliver the sort of change that our education system needs".
He accepted there would be different views in the teaching profession but said there were "people in senior positions in teaching unions" who were taking up the offer to change their schools to become academies.
The teaching profession is encouraged to design and implement teacher codes of conduct, based on the highest ethical and professional standards, and to be oriented around the goal of teaching all students effectively and equally.
Thirdly, the project proposes the design and implementation of career paths oriented towards strengthening the teaching profession and attracting good candidates, requiring the adjustment of policies on remunerations and incentives, promotion, performance assessment and the assignment of roles and functions.
But he acknowledged the last government had helped change perceptions of the teaching profession, enhancing "its prestige and self-confidence" in part by backing charities like TeachFirst which, he said, "persuaded the best graduates from the best universities to enter the classroom".
Participants also called for the need to establish a comprehensive basis for National Qualifications Frameworks to guide teacher training, evaluate experiential acquisitions for validation, and certifications that would result in ensuring a positive impact on career development for the teaching profession.
What went on in the officer's head is something that I can only guess but, based on over 30 years of experience in the doing, teaching and studying of the police profession, I would venture to say that race had nothing to do with the behavior displayed and that the sub-culture of police work dictated the action, more than any possible bias or prejudice.
In recent years, a number of fields have begun to wrestle with this problem, but none with such profound social consequences as the profession of teaching.
The State of the Art sets out to indicate the key trends that characterise the situation of teachers and policies relating to teachers, in terms of pre-service teacher training, continuing training, the teaching career, and working conditions for those in the profession, as well as the key institutional processes involved in the creation and implementation of public policies in the sphere of teaching.
In 2007 Public Agenda surveyed 865 first-year teachers in high-needs schools, some of whom had graduated from traditional teaching programs, others who entered the profession through Teach for America, the New Teacher Project, and Troops to Teachers.
However, she admitted that a lack of teacher training places or permanent teaching posts would not have deterred her from going into the profession.