Also, the correct sized tennis racket and handle can help prevent tennis elbow.
BBC: Doctor's diary: Tennis fever
No great tonnage of steel here: Its curving roof is a tensioned cable-net that resembles the strings of a tennis racket.
WSJ: London Olympics 2012 | These Knock-Down, Shrinkable Games | By Hugh Pearman
And the thing caught in a tennis racket sort of made out of aerogel, this really wispy, smoky sort of solid, right?
NPR: Stardust Set to Deliver Comet Samples
The collector basically looks like a tennis racket filled with ice cubes, so this is kind of like a big ice-cube tray, and each ice cube is not made out of ice, but it's made out of this aerogel.
NPR: Stardust Set to Deliver Comet Samples
The 'Crackit' is a hybrid of a cricket bat and a tennis racket and allows children of all ages to play cricket without the use of a heavy wooden bat.
BBC: Warrington's Matt King is the inventor of the 'Crackit'
The handle was wood, and the grip was uncomfortably thick, like that of a tennis racket borrowed from an older player.
NPR: Excerpt: 'At Large and At Small'
The idea of bending over to pick up a virtual tennis racket in front of that 50-inch flat screen in our living room makes perfect sense to us.
ENGADGET: Bill Gates: Natal for Windows coming to an office near you
In 2004, the probe called Stardust swung by a comet called Wild 2, stuck out sort of a big catcher's mitt--I think it looks more like a tennis racket--and hopefully it picked up some of the particles thrown off by the comet.
NPR: Stardust Set to Deliver Comet Samples
For example, racket sales at specialty shops rose 8% in revenue in just the first two quarters of 2010 and tennis ball shipments rose by 2.7.
FORBES: Forty To Love: Tennis Takes The Title In Sports Participation Growth