My contention was that a purchase of a new phone had become necessary halfway through the term of contracted service.
It said it welcomed the "support" of the report, and was committed to the long-term future of the World Service.
In exchange, members of the corps receive living expenses during their term of service and an education grant at the end of it.
When I sat face to face with Derek Wanless in 2002, what impressed me was the clarity of thinking about the long-term issues of health service productivity and demand.
Overlaid on this is the long-term increase in the importance of service and part-time jobs.
As Sun's size lends legitimacy and the guarantee of long-term service to MySQL, the acquisition will likely convince more and larger enterprises to sign on to MySQL's cut-rate database systems, Yuhanna says.
As Sun's (nasdaq: JAVA - news - people ) size lends legitimacy and the guarantee of long-term service to MySQL, the acquisition will likely convince more and larger enterprises to sign on to MySQL's cut-rate database systems, Yuhanna says.
Tancer is the curator of 10 million users' Web browsing records--the complete history of every click and every search term--pulled from the logs of Internet service providers (ISPs) around the world who have either sold the data to Hitwise or traded it for free analysis.
Sex offenders are moved to Prescoed before the end of their term but police said the prison service told them the two had not been given a release date.
Unions are currently at odds with ministers over plans for long-term reform of the civil service.
He urged the Scottish Prison Service to review the long-term future of Barlinnie and implement its redevelopment "as soon as possible".
BBC: Prison overcrowding 'needs to be fixed', MacAskill says
For example, within the first week of my internship, my fellow interns and I helped clean a local park, and over the course of the term, our service expanded to serving at food banks, supporting the elderly and tutoring schoolchildren.
MPs also asked questions on subjects including the future costs of long-term care and the 111 pilot telephone service.
She added that the priority all along had been to find a way of restoring the service for the long term.
Andrew Krepinevich, a retired Army officer and defense analyst, worries about the long-term effect of the recruiting shortfall on the country's largest military service.
The consensus of the 35 technical indicators we use in our advisory service remains on the intermediate-term buy signal.
Cuts to CID have made it more difficult for officers to deal expeditiously with the early stages of an investigation and the ruling, in the short term, will put additional pressure on the Crown Prosecution Service to come to quick decisions.
Timothy Charles Scheve, of Pennsylvania, to be a Member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board for a term expiring September 14, 2015, vice Nancy Killefer, term expired, which was sent to the Senate on January 26, 2011.
He blamed long-term under-funding of the NHS and the drive for a "cheap service not an effective one".
What some of the local service providers have been saying is in the short term they have a solution which will deliver comparable or better functionality.
In it, he went to absurd lengths to pay lip-service to the concept of U.S. leadership using the term (or its variants) no fewer than 23 times.
Short-termism has resulted directly or indirectly in corporate earnings games, the deferral of investments needed for long-term competitiveness and the transformation of investment and commercial banking from a capital-facilitating agency service business into a principal proprietary trading business.
The term is popularly understood to mean a product is dangerous and needs to be taken out of service.
Long term offenders will continue to be monitored by the probation service for about the same length of time as their prison sentence - for example, an offender given an 18 month sentence will serve nine months in prison, and nine months on licence in the community.
The results come three years after the Government's National Service Framework for Long-Term Conditions, which pledged to improve quality of life and independence for people living with chronic conditions.
On Oct. 28 Moody's rating service tweaked the outlook to negative from stable on the A3 long-term issuer rating of Nomura Holdings because the Lehman purchase will edge up operating expenses.
Moody's (nyse: MCO - news - people ) rating service tweaked the outlook to negative from stable on the A3 long-term issuer rating of Nomura Holdings because the Lehman purchase will edge up operating expenses.
Unison, the public services union, said cuts of up to 25% to the Surrey Careers and Connexions service, would contribute to long-term unemployment.
"Certain funeral and cemetery operations were identified as not being well aligned with our long-term growth strategy, primarily because of their lack of geographic proximity to the major population areas of North America, " Service Corp.
If the private sector is accepting a 21% reduction in the net present value of their Greek holdings, in exchange for longer term bonds from a country that is now able to service to its debt, that would be a pretty good deal for the banks.