Mr. CHRIS ROACH (Professional Gardner): It kind of looks like the Terminator after he got crushed.
Skynet, the evil artificial intelligence in the Terminator movies and television series, gained consciousness this week.
According to the Terminator television show, Skynet became self-aware on April 19 at 8:11 p.m.
When computer scientists talk about the possible threat to humanity from superintelligent AI, they don't mean the Terminator or Matrix.
As anyone who has seen 2001: A Space Odyssey or the Terminator series knows, computers don't give up.
But the real danger is that the Terminator could seem all too appropriate.
Nobody wants a repeat of the terminator fuss, which seems to have pitched corporate interests against the welfare of farmers.
Last week, Belgium called for the DR Congo government to arrest Mr Ntaganda, who is also known as "The Terminator".
Feeney keeps a toy model of the Terminator in his office, along with hundreds of other familiar 10-inch plastic characters.
"To get a picture of Darla Moore, imagine, say, a cross between the Terminator and Kim Basinger, " the 1997 profile read.
Cameron started his career directing The Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 1984.
The crescent Moon shone brightly for most of the night, affording viewers a fantastic glimpse of the cavernous craters along the terminator, the dividing line between illumination and darkness.
In his statement, Mr Schwarzenegger said Weider had supported him throughout his career, which has included films like The Terminator, Total Recall and True Lies, and even when he made the move into politics.
The whole show feels like a man's idea of what drives a woman - so, for instance, McDonagh's professed reason for joining the military is to be like Linda Hamilton in The Terminator films.
The laws of physics will simply not permit Arnold Schwarzenegger, even as the Terminator, to carry a coffin, empty or otherwise, on one shoulder while the position of his body is, as shown, vertical.
The best time to gaze at the Moon through a telescope is when it is in a phase that is less than full, when the shadows along the terminator reveal in greatest detail the depression of craters.
Not only does the robot look Terminator-esque, but it's been designed to mimic the muscle system of a human (with bone-crushing strength, of course) and will be programmed with a semi-autonomous AI so that the android can learn new tasks, all of which is just a little too much like the Terminator for our comfort.
Although the plant springing forth from that seed is healthy and can go about its business of producing grain, say, quite normally, the grain that it produces will not grow if planted, because the activated terminator gene has killed off the seed's reproductive bits.
In theory, the controversial law he passed in California impacted the very Terminator 3 games he made money off of.
FORBES: Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes from Trying to Ban Violent Video Games to Starring in One
That, friends, is cutely referred to as the ThinkPad Terminator edition within Lenovo's walls, and it's essentially a prototype T431s that's stripped of its retail garb.
There are now 11 pages of amendments to be put at Friday's report stage, and, ominously, many of them bear the name of the arch-terminator of private members' bills, the Conservative Christopher Chope.
Schwarzenegger signed a lucrative deal with Atari to provide voice work and his likeness for Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines in 2003 for Xbox and PlayStation 3 and Terminator 3: The Redemption in 2004 for Xbox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube.
FORBES: Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes from Trying to Ban Violent Video Games to Starring in One
The old, Schwarzenegger-model Terminator (the T-800) had been superseded by a more advanced model, the T-1000 (Robert Patrick), who is sleeker and more versatile.
Think of the smart, independent, buff, ready-to-kill-if-necessary women from Silence of the Lambs, Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Thelma and Louise.
"It's nice of Roger to say that, " said the unassuming and rather shy Nadal, who transforms into a ruthless terminator once the action begins on a tennis court.
Now, as moviegoer you may not be familiar with some of Feeney's contributions like software implementation of ultimate blue screen composting technology, but it made a big splash in the film "Terminator 2, " creating a new believability and wow factor for audiences.
Fans are watching to see if Cameron, the man behind Aliens, Terminator and Titanic, can once again deliver the goods when Avatar hits theaters Dec. 18.
The movie based on the "Watchman" graphic novel and a "Terminator" sequel are the ones to watch this year.