Hold on - the New Testament today is the same New Testament as a thousand years ago.
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" With such talent on show, notably squeezed out were Fiona Shaw of "The Testament of Mary" and Jessica Hecht in "The Assembled Parties.
Assuming that you don't have a horse in this particular race, how does "The Testament of Mary" come across when considered not as an antireligious statement but as a piece of pure drama?
WSJ: The Unbeliever's Gospel | The Testament of Mary | Macbeth | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout
"The Testament of Mary" and "The Death of Walt Disney" feature central characters obsessively honing and asserting the stories of their lives to an audience that enters the theater with widely held preconceived notions.
While it would surely be transgressive in the extreme to stage "The Testament of Mary" in, say, rural Mississippi, mounting it on Broadway is about as daring as writing a musical that makes fun of Mormons.
WSJ: The Unbeliever's Gospel | The Testament of Mary | Macbeth | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout
The virtue of the One Year Bible has always been that it offers daily readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Psalms, and Proverbs, but it still offers the psychological barriers that come with such a massive undertaking as trying to Read the Whole Thing.
For Conrad Gempf, a US evangelical who teaches the New Testament at the London School of Theology, as well-meaning as it is, WWJD? is the wrong question.
But if there is controversy about what the Bible says, there is next to nothing in the New Testament about the period between Jesus's childhood and the last three years of his life.
Though some fundamentalists appear to believe that the Bible was written in English, for the more thoughtful (or pious) Christian, serious study of the New Testament or the early Christian church is impossible without first knowing alpha from omega.
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Jesus was New Testament, and the New Testament says nothing at all about homosexuality.
The first category of prayer comes out of the urgency of the Old Testament prophets and the Gospel itself.
They point to the New Testament description of the first Christian church as an ethnic stew -- it deliberately broke social divisions by uniting groups that were traditionally hostile to one another, they say.
Eight kilometres west of town is Mount Nebo where, in the Old Testament, Moses saw the Promised Land from its peak.
Well, in the writing of the New Testament, I guess the thunderbolt hit me during the writing of the Epistles, where I suddenly realized that maybe it doesn't matter to me if Jesus is the son of God or even divine.
NPR: Making Peace With The Bible By Writing It Out Word For Word
You look at every book in the New Testament and it throbs with the fact that Jesus Christ is risen, that is a fact.
Another piece is a clay vessel in the form of a piglet that was made nearly 3, 000 years before the Old Testament book of Leviticus made the pig anathema in most of the Middle East.
But as readers of the Old Testament know, Jonah emerges from the whale a changed man, redeemed and willing to carry on God's work.
WSJ: Tale Told by a Modern Romantic | Jonah | Albert Pinkham Ryder | By Sidney Lawrence
Newsnight host Jeremy Paxman caused unintentional offence when referring to a literal belief in the Old Testament as "stupid", the BBC Trust has ruled.
In the Old Testament, God places Adam in the Garden of Eden and has him name the animals, an act of a parent to a child.
Those who actually read the New Testament will find fairness defined in the gospel of Matthew in the parable of talents in which the lord distributes his wealth among three servants to manage while he is on a journey.
Smith mimicked the endless, generation-counting longueurs of the Old Testament so skillfully that he rendered the book dead as literature while giving it credibility as a sacred text: a book as boring as this could have been inspired only by the breath of God.
Monsignor FRANK MANISCALCO (Head of Communications, U.S. Conference of Bishops): We can see in The Da Vinci Code much that simply misinterprets the origins of Christianity and takes, say, for example, second and third century writings by people who are not really in synch with the Christianity, the New Testament, and puts them on the same level as the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The best testament to its lack of appeal is the lack of people in the one near my home.
Biblical scholars have called Gibson's reading of the New Testament into question, and rumors abound that the script's sources include an 18th-century Roman Catholic mystic.
Mr McLellan's story is based on the Old Testament story of Rahab - a prostitute from the city of Jericho, who saves the lives of two Jewish spies and is, in turn, saved by them.
An online petition submitted to the government is testament to the rather more contemporary support for Richard III.
Higher Criticism had shown that the Old Testament was not dictated solely by figures like Moses but was the synthesis of many cultures and traditions.
His translation of the New Testament in 1524-26 was promptly banned and publicly burned by the Church.
But the best testament to how clean and green Copenhagen really is can be found in the heart of the city.
Save for the Old Testament look he tried on in "Evan Almighty, " he's maintained the same boring businessman haircut for as long as he's been in the public eye (and well before that, I'll bet).