• But Congress will be worried that its opponents seem to be uniting round a similar theme: that the party's leaders are too close to America, and cannot be trusted to guard one of India's proudest achievements, an independent nuclear deterrent.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • Mr. van Wyck sometimes creates a party theme pegged to the show to get even non-devotees into the viewing spirit.

    WSJ: Oscar Viewing Parties: Academy Awards for Buffs, Blas�� Viewers

  • Since the character first appeared in 2005, there have been at least 46 "Fancy Nancy" books from publisher HarperCollins, with over 20 million in print, spawning a number of popular dolls and toys, and becoming a must-have birthday party theme for all the fanciest little girls.

    CNN: Tina Fey may help produce 'Fancy Nancy' movie

  • The historic nature of Obama's candidacy, the first African-American to receive a major party's presidential nomination, was a theme of the night.

    NPR: Obama Accepts Nomination With Sweeping Speech

  • In his speech Bush sought to reinforce the McCain campaign's theme that the Arizona senator is a maverick who has been willing to buck his own party's leadership.

    CNN: Bush praises McCain as 'the man we need'

  • No matter how large or small the entity or their party affiliation, there is a common theme to their goals: in these times of austerity and uncertainty, governments have a singular focus on not only doing more with less, but NEW with less so they can compete globally, grow jobs, and give their constituents an opportunity to succeed.

    FORBES: Meeting The Business Challenges Of Government

  • "There are zero songs that have a party jam theme, " she says, and the group uses all sorts of audio toys, like a vocal talkback box.

    NPR: Hold Steady Stays 'Positive'

  • On this theme, Roland Koch won the premiership of Hesse in 1999 and has suggested that his party should adopt it for its next general-election campaign.

    ECONOMIST: A draconian judge turned politician is stirring up Hamburg

  • It was a theme on full display in a speech by the shadow chancellor, Michael Portillo, who appealed to his party to show tolerance, respect and support for all people, whatever their background, race or sexual orientation.

    ECONOMIST: On the up

  • Leftist candidate Lopez Obrador, of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, had not seen the video, but said he agreed with the theme of change.


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