• What I care about, actually, is not the thing in itself, but the way it's done.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'The Elegance Of The Hedgehog'

  • First, good branding should always center on the person who uses the thing you are selling and never on the thing in itself.

    FORBES: Why Do We Love Brands?

  • The pivotal choice should not be about the thing in itself, but about the brand and its world of feeling, meaning, and emotion.

    FORBES: Why Do We Love Brands?

  • Such is the essence of the world, the nameless thing-in-itself, a melange of a priori truths that reside dormant within each man from the moment he is born.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Woodsburner'

  • And then the company and its top management finds itself trapped in the one thing it does so well, rigidly believing that what brought it its success, will continue to make it prosper.

    FORBES: Five mistaken beliefs business leaders have about innovation

  • The one thing the state has no interest in using the law to restrain is itself.

    WSJ: Jenkins: The 5th Avenue to Serfdom

  • "The interesting thing is that the protons don't get accelerated in the supernova explosion itself, but they get accelerated in what we call the remnant - the shockwave that is created in the explosion and then moves away through the interstellar medium, " said Dr Funk.

    BBC: Cosmic rays: Fermi telescope settles mystery of origin

  • Their success is not just a wonderful thing in itself the greatest leap forward in economic history.

    ECONOMIST: The Berlin Wall

  • The thing that is missing in this new vision of television, however, is the set itself.

    ECONOMIST: The future of television

  • "In the depths of the Depression, Franklin Roosevelt inspired the nation when he said, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, ' " Kennedy said in a speech to the Democratic National Convention.

    CNN: Kennedy: Kerry a leader worthy of our country

  • The only thing government had to do in turn was keep itself modest in size.

    FORBES: Romney's 47% Has a Venerable Legacy in the 1913 Origins of the Income Tax

  • The behind-the-scenes processes by which things get made laws, journalism, sausages are usually said to be so chaotically unhygienic that seeing them in action will put you off the thing itself for good.

    FORBES: A Beautiful Sausage

  • The same thing happened in 2009 and 2010, and will continue to happen until the system is allowed to purge itself.

    FORBES: Great Depression 2.0: You've Got Nothing

  • The second thing is it exposed in my mind the extreme corruption in the capital formation process and really in Wall Street itself.

    FORBES: Elevation's McNamee Raps Nasdaq, Bankers On Facebook IPO

  • Or maybe a system that respects the choices of parents and families is a pretty valuable thing in itself.

    FORBES: 4 Myths And One Truth About French Childcare

  • However, since Ares I is capable only of reaching low Earth orbit and the space station is the only habitable thing in low Earth orbit, Ares I by itself would be a road to nowhere.

    ECONOMIST: Science

  • The movie itself mutates from one thing to another, throwing in beer slobs for the frat-house crowd, fart jokes for the preteens, and so on.

    NEWYORKER: Evolution

  • His struggle nearly 40 years ago to renounce his peerage so that he could sit as a commoner in the elected house seems a small thing now that hereditary peerage itself is on the point of being evicted from Westminster.

    ECONOMIST: A great parliamentarian

  • For one thing, insiders say, the 4, 500 staff in Soca - itself a merger of two large national police squads and elements of two government departments - are still bedding down through the difficult process of mingling different practices and cultures.

    BBC: Analysis

  • Amazingly, they are doing so under what intelligence professionals would dub a "false flag" operation - an initiative that presents itself as one thing, in this case "The American Sovereignty Campaign", when it is actually exactly the opposite.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: False Flag Operation on L.O.S.T.

  • We believe an agreement is possible by the end of June, and that that will be a positive thing in and of itself.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The entire tone, the implication, is that creation of these jobs, the causing of this much investment, is in and of itself a good thing.

    FORBES: Green Jobs Are a Cost, Not a Benefit

  • Which, in itself, is indicative of one thing: those defending the Union have yet to determine a clear, coherent strategy for dealing with a majority SNP government.

    BBC: One vote or two for independence?

  • The market itself too has to be built: natural gas is not the natural thing in Peru.


  • "The Philippine government's reaction to the barbaric shooting incident has proved one thing: As an irresponsible country which behaves clumsily in foreign affairs, the Philippines is digging itself into a deeper hole with a rogue diplomatic policy, " Beijing's Global Times says.

    BBC: China media: Philippines row

  • But mobile money and other new ideas that could help the poor (see article) provide a useful reminder that financial innovation in itself is not always a bad thing.

    ECONOMIST: Telecoms

  • And the show, which will open on Broadway for the first time on Sunday, in a production starring Laura Osnes, has itself been repeatedly transformed from one thing into another and then another still.

    WSJ: Cinderella: That Flexible Fairy Tale

  • At this time, in this summer in which Britain itself is the focus of a major "Op Olympic" effort, the really striking thing is how diminished the capability to protect the country itself is.

    BBC: Jubilees show UK's declining ability to protect itself

  • The beauty of oversized format bottles is that they are fun and festive in their own right, the kind of thing you are only opening for company or celebrations, and the wine itself hardly matters, with the exception of some mass-produced warehouse store or budget wines that are occasionally sold in magnums.

    FORBES: 10 Best Last Minute Holiday Gifts: Think Booze & Books

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