Two years ago, Wolf co-founded the think tank Future of Privacy Forum backed by corporate supporters to advocate for responsible data practices.
FORBES: Future of Privacy Forum Founder Does Not Expect Online Privacy Bills to Pass This Year
As the Constitutional Accountability Center, a think tank, revealed, the judges in the majority had previously attended legal junkets, on a Montana ranch, that were arranged by the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment a group funded by Koch family foundations.
According to Josh Freed, director of the clean energy program at the moderate Democratic DC think tank Third Way, a bipartisan clean energy strategy one that moves beyond the failed cap and trade debate toward a renewed public-private partnership aimed at developing and marketing improved clean energy technologies is ripe for passage in a Washington under split rule.
For now, the job growth is largely being fueled by "the three T's tech, trade and tourism, " said Stephen Levy, director of the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy, a think tank in Palo Alto, Calif.
Arvind Subramanian, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a think-tank in Washington, DC, argues that the recession in eastern Europe sounds the death knell for one of the two main growth strategies of the past 20 years capital-account liberalisation (growth through exports is the other).
These general results high employment rates but low wages are echoed by a similar overview of 11 states' studies published in May by the Urban Institute, a think-tank.
And, in June, an American researcher for a respected think-tank, the International Crisis Group, was expelled apparently because the group's reports on Islamic radicalism and separatist movements had rattled Indonesia's intelligence chiefs.
Days after Cantor told me that he wanted to rise above the budget squabbling, he was back in the thick of the fight over the sequester a policy that, whether he deems it a sideshow or not, will have a more immediate impact on real Americans than any of the issues he mentioned in his think-tank speech.
"I remember that Ted wore very flamboyant ties and Chuck wore suspenders, " said Roger Clegg president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a conservative think tank who worked with both.
There are signs that America, fearful of growing al-Qaeda influence in Somalia, could become more willing to deal with Somaliland and in March a report from the Council on Foreign Relations, a think-tank, called for an increase in donor assistance.
Harold and Erica go to good schools, and pass through a series of haute bourgeois jobs museum curator, freelance consultant, corporate marketing functionary, author of mid-list historical biographies until, finally, the hyper-achieving Erica arrives as the chief executive of a cable company, and the ponderous Harold scores a sinecure at a neocon think tank, where he pastes David Brooks opinion columns into papers on public policy.
FORBES: The Social Animal by David Brooks: A Scornful Review
Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi-based think tank, said India had bet its growing trade ties with China could mute political disputes a hope that isn't playing out.
WSJ: Border Dispute Overshadows Chinese Premier Li's Visit to India
Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi-based think tank, said India had bet its growing trade ties with China could mute political disputes a hope that is not playing out.
WSJ: Border Dispute Overshadows Chinese Premier Li's Visit to India
On April 14th IPEA, a government-linked think-tank, said that even if all the planned airport upgrades were completed by kick-off (which it said would not happen), hectic growth in local demand would still leave most airports overcrowded even without 1m football fans stopping by.
Mr. Stern buried the warehouse part of the project into a contoured landscape so that he could create two entrances a kind of church and state separation for the museum and archive facing north, across the street from SMU's Greek Row, and for the George W. Bush Institute, a public-policy think tank, with a more formal circular driveway on a lower level facing west.
WSJ: Bricks and Immortality | George W. Bush Presidential Center | By Julie V. Iovine
If I'm talking about the Middle East, the people I'm interviewing an ambassador, somebody from a think tank that's their life's work.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, a rich country think-tank, isn't expecting a Japanese recovery to start until next year and even then it is expected to be very sluggish.
Mr Blair and other ministers have been taking a close interest in an inquiry into national identity by Demos a think-tank run by Geoff Mulgan, who also works part-time for the Downing Street policy unit.
ECONOMIST: Will New Labour succeed in reinventing Britishness?