The third way to make gifts is to pay someone else's medical or education bills directly.
The Third Way, Mr Blair told the French National Assembly helpfully, is whatever works.
On the evidence of this slight work, the third way is whatever New Labour does.
New Labour doesn't seem to be able to comprehend that there is intellectual life outside the Third Way.
The third way values civil society, but sees the state as having a valid role in promoting it.
If the third way amounts to no more than moderate, centrist pragmatism, that might admittedly be no bad thing.
Somebody asked why the government should bother with promoting the third way in the first place, as it were.
The third way to cut costs is to apply mass-production techniques in new and unexpected areas such as health care.
But die neue Mitte has had a much lower profile in Germany than the third way has had in Britain.
ECONOMIST: Anglo-German relations: Crumbs from Blair’s table | The
He entered office with a new philosophy, the Third Way, that was supposed to revolutionise the provision of public services.
Allowing selection within mixed-ability schools is what used to be called a cop-out, and is now known as the third way.
Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, who is running as part of a list called the Third Way Party, condemned the Cabinet's decision.
So the third way had to be based on new coalitions, which could not easily be categorised as either right or left.
Indeed, events in Europe may well be the undoing of New Labour's plans to build a European policy around the third way.
ECONOMIST: Anglo-German relations: Crumbs from Blair’s table | The
The third way should seek instead to restructure government, at all levels.
The third way we're using our aid is to fight the scourge of disease in Africa and other parts of the developing world.
The third way recognises that we no longer live in a bi-polar world and realises that states no longer face enemies, only dangers.
Blurriness is certainly not something the Third Way fights shy of.
Whatever the reason, the third way remains as mystifying as ever.
Last week a Blairite guru, Anthony Giddens, he of the Third Way, who runs the London School of Economics, was in Madrid for an Aznarian hobnob.
Thatcherism was not a fully worked out theory when Mrs Thatcher entered office in 1979 (and critics of the Third Way may want to bear that in mind).
But for a government that seeks the third way in all other things, the idea that strengthening the Lords weakens the Commons betrays an uncharacteristic want of pragmatism.
But if this is the third way, the obvious danger is that it provides cover behind which a government can withdraw whenever a necessary reform encounters strong opposition.
In striving to do what the voters want, the Third Way frees policymakers from the need to place every decision on a left-right spectrum, or inside any other fixed ideological scheme.
To its detractors, their very multiplicity shows the Third Way's fundamental hollowness: a doctrine that says you can have your cake and eat it too is a recipe for ducking every hard decision.
The third way that we need to invest is in our infrastructure -- everything from new roads and bridges to high-speed rail and high-speed Internet -- projects that create hundreds of thousands of private sector jobs.
In other words, the Third Way is a heresy, a code for abandoning the true faith, and the true faith needs no more than some updating: programmes to educate the jobless into jobs, for example, balanced by tax breaks and share options for capitalist employers.
It has the remnants of a special relationship with America, it punches above its weight in military matters, and it has discovered in the third way a formula for grafting the entrepreneurial dynamism of Silicon Valley on to Europe's notions of equal opportunity and social justice.
Okay, so here's the "third way" plan FCC chairman Julius Genachowski and FCC general counsel Austin Schlick laid out this morning.
ENGADGET: FCC outlines new 'third way' internet regulatory plan, will split access from content