If, on the other hand, they are too rigid, they will be impossible to apply to the varied environments of the third world, where countries from Argentina to Zaire have suffered banking crises.
The debt-relief measure, championed by the White House, charity groups and religious and cultural figures from Pope John Paul II to singer Bono of the rock band U2, allows the United States to pay its share under the global Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative to forgive the debts of some 30 Third World countries.
About the dependence or independence of third-world countries on the few big, extremely powerful GM suppliers and their annual package of GM seeds and GM seed-specific pesticides (let's not forget about them) - not a single word.
She also sponsored social responsibility programs, including one that delivered a billion liters of safe drinking water to people around the world and another that vaccinated children in Third World countries.
NATO's network of partnerships includes one-third of the world's countries.
Dr. Bluementhal developed an affordable, low tech screening method for cervical cancer that is likely to save tens of thousands of lives in third world countries over the next decade, and has the potential to save hundreds of thousands.
FORBES: Mike Bloomberg Compares Steve Jobs To Edison, Einstein
Aspire has proved controversial, not least because it identifies talent in third world countries, bringing the best to Qatar.
Ministers claim proudly that Britain is holding the first auction in the world for third-generation mobile phone licences, and that many other countries are studying Britain's approach.
The future of TVET in India and all other countries of the world will be the focus of Third International Congress on TVET (Shanghai, 13-16 May 2012).
As I pointed out in an earlier column in Slate , the growth of labor-intensive exports from Third World countries, a development possible only because those countries are able to offset their disadvantages by competing on the basis of cheap labor, has brought about a huge improvement in the human condition, even if the wages look miserably low by our standards.
Together, the two countries make up a third of the world's population.
This is a critical success factor when managing and leading major transformational changes that include rapid growth in third-world countries, and in the global population, as well as a huge increase in the number of people connecting online around the world.
FORBES: Transformational Changes Push Leaders to Embrace The Immigrant Mentality
Those countries where people are least able to respond to natural disasters are Third World countries, which are characterized by the lowest levels of economic freedom.
FORBES: The Faux Morality of Big Government and Anti-Gouging Laws
Back in the 1980s and early 1990s, Emerging Markets were characterized as Third World Countries.
One result is a fertility rate, 1.5 births per woman, more typical of rich countries than of what Cuba still is, the third world.
As at the end of 2012, Huawei's products and services are deployed in over 140 countries, serving more than one third of the world's population.
ENGADGET: Huawei Ascend P2 hitting Europe in Q2 for 399 euros, we go hands-on (update: video)
"Somewhere, years down the road, I definitely want to make an impact within third-world countries and for our foundation to be able to do work in a lot of different areas across the world, " he said.
Worse, those probes reportedly represent but a small fraction of the more than 1, 000 German businesses suspected of illegally providing Third World countries with advanced weapons and dual-use technologies (namely, those with both civilian and military applications).
Because - and a lot of these third world countries produce food, food which could make all the difference if they could sell it.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | President of the World Bank James Wolfensohn
This is all the more true given the other, genuine requirements for such emergency assistance from scores of Central European and Third World countries -- to say nothing of American citizens who are unable to cope adequately with rising food and energy prices during a harsh winter.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Moscow Center's Food Aid Crusade: Where's The Beef?
Kingfisher is the third largest DIY retailer in the world, with more than 1, 000 stores in eight countries.
The soap is cleaned and reformed into new blocks, then sent to people in Haiti and other third-world countries.
With small domestic markets, backward technology and inadequate capital, third-world countries have everything to gain from ending their relative isolation and developing close economic ties with the rest of the world.
Leading an international drive to unburden hopelessly indebted Third World countries from onerous interest payments that lock them into a vicious cycle of poverty, Clinton pledged the loan relief two years ago.