• But the three wise men -- the reason -- (sign falls off wall) -- uh-oh, I thought that was the cookies going down.

    WHITEHOUSE: The President Brings Christmas Cheer to Boys and Girls Club

  • Powell says companies are increasingly keen to use Christmas cards as an extension of their corporate branding, with traditional imagery such as the Three Wise Men being replaced by logos.

    BBC: What do your Christmas cards say about you?

  • The panel comprises a High Court Judge, a second judge with immigration expertise and a third expert lay member whose presence reflects the central feature of the Three Wise Men system.

    BBC: Can a spook judge the spooks?

  • In his retelling, the fabled three wise men, who visited the infant Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, are not sages but thieves who escaped prison by posing as holy men.

    WSJ: Seth Grahame-Smith: The Master of the Mash-Up

  • It's here that Siac fundamentally differs from the old Three Wise Men approach.

    BBC: Can a spook judge the spooks?

  • So the wise men have tried to elevate the tone by analysing the euro crisis as three interlocking problems: first, the national debts of member countries, next the bad debts of banks, and last the broader macroeconomic gloom.

    ECONOMIST: German economists

  • After what everyone has witnessed the past seven years or so, it's not wise, to put it kindly, to schedule three men's matches and two women's matches for an eight-hour period (11 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and expect to finish on time.

    WSJ: A Little Night Tennis, Anyone?

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