If you can put in the time and the dedication you can do it.
By the time Francis arrived on campus, hordes of people were still waiting to clear checkpoints.
Atlanta police said at the time it was a lot harder to arrest pimps than prostitutes.
CNN: Selling Atlanta's children: What has and hasn't changed
The time-tested way to do that is to load a car with expensive options.
But the time, he says, is not right to take to the streets again.
ECONOMIST: The hopes kindled by the saffron revolution have faded fast
However, Hoggart refrained from using the more polemical terminology that was in circulation at the time.
At the time Scott headed research, and the British-born Whitfield ran a subsidiary of Invitron.
Even by the time of his death in 1324, the book had made Marco Polo famous.
At the time, Microsoft was in litigation with two small firms that eventually stung Gates badly.
At the time, hats made of felted beaver fur were much desired by fashionable European gentlemen.
Three recent developments at the FDA will further increase the time and cost of drug development.
In the 1970s he built the largest computer network at the time for florist network FTD.
So in the time that we have left, I would like to talk about policy.
He said the time and location would be a secret to avoid any crowds.
By the time I left Toronto, I was as ready as I would ever be.
Does it have to be either or, all the time in the US arguments?
By the time she returned home to Belgium three months later, her outlook had changed completely.
At the time, New Jersey Republicans hadn't won a U.S. Senate seat in nearly 10 years.
By the time the first season began, more than 35, 000 people had signed up.
If I had to make the same wine all the time to the same standard...
Americans are proud that they have brought about change no-one thought possible in the time they have.
The time to enjoy these vehicles, and the come-hither looks one experiences when driving them, is now.
At the time (March 2013) there was even less stomach for military assistance to the rebels.
At the time four NHS staff, including the chief executive of Alder Hey, Hilary Rowlands, were suspended.
The enterprise value is arguably less than what the Time Warner segment is worth on its own.
New York, which invalidated a state maximum hour law that Progressive forces at the time ardently embraced.
Yet the cheap system processed a trade in 50 milliseconds, one-fourth the time needed by the Sun system.
Sir David, they said, had "properly apologised for mistakes made at the time by the regional health authority".
Candidates also must be under 41 years of age at the time their paper was accepted for publication.
The whistleblower law was in full swing by the time Doug Durand landed at TAP Pharmaceutical in 1995.