In the Anglo-Saxon world Lamarck's name, if it is known at all, is associated with a theory long since discredited - the idea known as the inheritance of acquired characteristics - the idea that traits or attributes acquired or learned in the space of your life time will somehow be inherited by your children at birth.
Now add to this the challenge of driving on the left side of the road, steering wheel to the right, for the first time in your life and oenology becomes more sport than science.
Your place in life at the time of reading something affects your perception.
Now, you, Class of 2009, are about to enter the next phase of your life at a time of great uncertainty.
The rest of your life is going to pass by regardless of what you choose to do with your time each day, so why not spend it doing something that would immeasurably enrich your experience of being alive (not to mention the lives of those around you)?
Data from life insurance companies suggests that in the fifth and sixth decades of life you are less likely to die over the coming year than at any other time in your life.
Virgin Galactic's set a tentative 2015 date for that, giving you, the every(wo)man, plenty of time to save up or mortgage your life for the opportunity to tour the cosmos.
"I think it's the kind of feeling that you can get any time of your life when you just have to face some things, " she says about getting personal.
Sure, this is the first time in your life that you have ever thought of a nonillion.
Though your exact needs depend on the extent of your financial involvement in the wedding, the main thing you want from a credit card at this time in your life is savings.
FORBES: The Best Credit Card Choices From College To Retirement
So the next time you reach for your smartphone to take care of business or life, take as much care as you would sitting in front of your PC.
What a great way to reclaim your power, take charge of your life, and have a great time in the process.
Bring more joy (and less stress) to this season by optimizing your time, energy and definitions of success over the next three months at work and in the other parts of your life.
FORBES: Plan Your Holidays Now, Maximize Joy, Minimize Stress
Take time to get to know your local growing conditions, as this can have a huge impact on the life of your plants.
At this holiday time of year, this little board may be the perfect gift for that young (or old) maker in your life.
The two greatest moments in life are indeed what everyone says they are: the birth of your first child and the time in the hotel when you ate an entire room-service pizza by yourself.