An Escapee Being Chased Dropped Through The Top Floor Of A Building And Scared Everyone Inside.
Raoul de Gadbois lived on the top floor of an apartment building overlooking the Seine.
The top floor is home to such moderns as Georgia O'Keeffe, Alexander Calder and Franz Kline.
He worked out of a 9-ft. by 9-ft. cubicle on the top floor of the Pittsburgh, Pa.
My family lived on the South Side of Chicago on the top floor of a two-family home.
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The nine loft suites on the top floor are for the truly indulgent, each with a whimsical and original design.
An airy atrium restaurant occupies the top floor, though it suffers from a pedestrian menu and laconic service.
On the top floor, Mr. Hudec placed a row of seven white-marble-arched Palladian windows to form a decorative arcade.
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Li Ka-Shing is playing host on the top floor of his cheung kong Center tower in Hong Kong's Central.
Clinton is expected next month to move into an 8, 300-square-foot office on the top floor of a Harlem building.
On the top floor, among tiny figurative portraits of saints, is one larger painting that Stingel painted for the exhibition.
However, to reach its swank Manhattan headquarters, you take a private elevator to the top floor of the HSBC building.
On the top floor of the club is an art gallery, which Mr. and Ms. Weston's daughter started in 2002.
On the top floor, Emin has her own private studio, with a kitchen, a well-stocked wine rack, a bedroom and bathroom.
The emergency services say that they have now reached the top floor and the worst of the flames have been extinguished.
On the top floor of a high-rise overlooking Copacabana Beach, the modest Rio de Janeiro Guesthouse has rooms with antique furnishings and parquet floors.
So on the top floor of a trade union building in Rabat, the 20 February movement has been plotting their next move.
Accounting in one area, marketing in another, management on the top floor with the nicest offices and best views out the window.
"Every apartment is like this, " he said, gesturing about the top floor.
Freud bought the Corot portrait at an auction in 2001 and it had hung on the top floor of his London home.
BBC: Lucian Freud donates Corot and Degas works in lieu of tax
On the top floor, a cocktail bar and book-lined lounge surrounded by a spacious outdoor terrace are perfect for a laid-back lunch.
On the top floor auction house Phillips de Pury occupies two rooms.
At Montrose Elementary, where she taught for 16 of those years, she said her classroom was on the top floor, overlooking Main Street.
The top floor houses the master bedroom, closets, a bathroom and a home office, and has a 15-foot-high ceiling with exposed wood beams.
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The crash destroyed the top floor of the maisonette home of Colin and Diane Patterson who were watching television with two of their sons.
Its owner, Julie Hutton, said there was no outward sign of the hidden room until the cabling engineer lifted floorboards on the top floor.
On Tuesday, construction materials littered the front lawn of the house and plastic tubing snaked down from the top floor to a cargo container.
It's been the hangout for creative types since the '30s, and an old group of artists still gathers over red wine on the top floor.
WSJ: Insider's Travel Guide to Stockholm | Journal Concierge.
She failed to notice the lift had not arrived at the top floor when she opened the faulty lift door using an emergency release key.
For all of the treadmill time on the top floor of his tower, it is unlikely that Asia's richest man will live to see that day.