The film was written by videogame scribe Flint Dille (The Transformers: The Movie, Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay) from a story by Shinji Aramaki, Joseph Chou and Shigehito Kawada and produced by Joseph Chou (Appleseed Ex-Machina, Halo Legends, Space Pirate: Captain Harlock).
The 2-D film can act as counter programming to the bigger films slated to hit theaters in the coming weeks like Green Lantern and the third Transformers movie.
The weekend of July 4 is usually reserved for popcorn movies like last year's Hancock and the first Transformers movie in 2007.
If you win this you get to work with Michael Bay on the next Transformers movie.
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'A few months ago, some scenes for the new Transformers movie were filmed here, ' says Dave Lacki, a Willis Tower guide.
As one of the top movie games of 2011, Transformers: Dark of the Moon delivers the kind of video game experience that Transformers fans have been craving.
As a result, Zookeeper is opening at a crowded time right between monster blockbusters Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and the final Harry Potter movie.
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Exhibitor Relations estimates that Ice Age will knock Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen off its perch as the No. 1 movie in the country.
While movie stars are seemingly somewhat superfluous in the age of Transformers and Avatar, a look at the top grossing films of 2010 on Box Office Mojo shows that stars still matter.
In 2010, the Air Force tested employees at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam with an irresistible offer: the chance to work on a nearby shoot for a "Transformers 3" movie.
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LaBeouf was able to ask for more money upfront but because the movie is being filmed in 3-D, it should earn even more than Transformers 2.
Then again, Transformers: Dark of the Moon was not designed as an everyday, run-of-the-mill movie game.
The source of its excitement was not a cool car but a Web trailer for an upcoming movie called Transformers.
And, for a limited time, all three eye-popping films in the Transformers franchise will be available in a 7-Disc Limited Collector's Edition Blu-ray Trilogy featuring each film in high definition, Transformers: Dark of the Moon in high definition 3D, more than 10 hours of special features and a plaque of movie images signed by Bay.