This Constitution II was called the Treaty of Lisbon, after the place where the new document was signed.
The Czech Republic ceased to exist as a sovereign state when Vaclav Klaus, its president, put his signature under the Treaty of Lisbon at 3 pm November 3rd, 2009.
But that is the core of the argument in favour of the Lisbon treaty, and voters had clearly heard it this time.
The State of the Union addressed comes as the European Parliament has increased powers since the passing of the Lisbon Treaty.
Yet those are the words chosen by Mr Lellouche this morning, after the British opposition leader David Cameron unveiled his new Europe policy, to take account of the final ratification of the Lisbon treaty.
But Mr Klaus presumably cannot sign in October, if the Czech constitutional court has not finished pondering the legality of the Lisbon treaty.
The charter was originally drafted in 2000 however did not become enshrined in EU law until the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009.
While not wanting to leave the EU, he might welcome a Tory-led revolt against deeper integration, and cheer the derailing of the Lisbon treaty.
Mr Reinfeldt said that the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, as was persuading the G20 to try and end the "bonus culture" in world banking.
The European Parliament's Defence and Scrutiny Committee took evidence on 28 September 2010 on the impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the EU's common security and defence policy.
They relate not to arguments about the possibility for "permanent structured cooperation" among member states (one of the provisions in the Lisbon Treaty), but to a lack of military hardware.
The necessary measures could be based on Article 126 and Protocol 12 of the Lisbon Treaty and could be achieved by the end of 2012.
Ironically, one of her biggest coups in the eyes of her political masters was shepherding the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords, paving the way for the creation of the job she now holds: a thought that cannot possibly have occurred to her at the time.
The thinking in Brussels, I am told, is that it should be possible to meet his demands with a legally binding declaration or summit conclusions from the assembled heads of government, stating that nothing in the Lisbon treaty or the Charter of Fundamental Rights changes the historical settlements on property claims by the descendants of expelled Germans.
Mr Mato Adrover accused the Council of a "corrupt application of the Lisbon Treaty".
The House of Lords European Union Committee published a report on 11 April 2011 that found that with the increasing size of the EU's membership, coupled with the expansion of the Court of Justice of the European Union's jurisdiction since the Lisbon Treaty, the institution was struggling to manage its workload.
This confession was both terrible politics (it was widely mis-remembered in Ireland as an admission that political leaders like Mr McCreevy had not read the treaty at all), and a statement of plain fact: the Lisbon treaty was never designed to be read by anybody.
The European Parliament is a key player in setting the EU's budget, and its powers have been expanded following ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, especially in areas such as the budget for agriculture.
If his many opponents in Brussels hoped he might emerge from the wreckage a changed man - a cappucino-sipping Boulevardier with a copy of the Lisbon Treaty tucked under his arm - they will be disappointed.
While neither is in any way part of the Lisbon treaty, their eventual inclusion is not so outrageous an idea, for the morality of Brussels is often prescribed upon all the E.
Indeed, the so-called Lisbon Treaty is the second version of the European Constitution, which the electorates of France and the Netherlands forcefully rejected in referendums in May and June 2005.
It is only the second time the House of Lords has used a new power granted under the Lisbon Treaty, which allows objections from parliaments on the grounds of "subsidiarity".
Co-decision on the EU budget is one of the innovations in the Lisbon Treaty, which took effect last December.
Foreign Secretary David Miliband told Adam Boulton on Sky there were only a few "rites of passage" needed before the Lisbon Treaty came into force and accused Mr Cameron of "dithering" because he did not "want to take on the euro extremists" in his party.
The Tories' decision to abandon hopes of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty has caused internal ructions, with two Tory Euro MPs quitting their frontbench posts in protest.
Now, under an obscure article of the Lisbon treaty, it is being revived in the European Parliament.
ECONOMIST: Northern Cyprus's new president: Enter Eroglu | The
She was instrumental in ensuring passage of the Lisbon treaty, which is supposed to help the EU cope with its expansion to 27 members and creates machinery for an EU foreign policy.
As the holidays end, there is much chatter about the Lisbon treaty, a proposed set of changes to the EU's rule book that faces a second referendum in Ireland on October 2nd.
Luckily, perhaps, the rotating presidency has lost much of its importance since the 2009 Lisbon treaty.