When this begins to happen consistently, and I believe it will soon, Nike reaps the unbelievable rewards.
"I can't even explain or put words to it -- the unbelievable good will from all these people, " he said.
In recent decades, our global educational infrastructure has not evolved to address the unbelievable speed of change that technology and the Internet is driving.
No I mean there is a diametrical difference between the position which we have adopted and the unbelievable position which the Conservatives have adopted.
The goal of these columns was to point out the unbelievable complexity we face in deciding when to take Social Security and which benefits to take.
FORBES: Thomas Jefferson Is Rolling in His Grave -- A Rant on Social Security's Complexity
First of all, thank you, Elliot, for the unbelievable introduction.
We teamed up with NBA Cares to come here to THEARC and spend a little time with the unbelievable young people who are here, as well as the terrific staff.
We're conditioned to accept the unbelievable, especially when that unbelievable is presented as a warm back story to a verifiable truth, like Teo's performance on the field, which was extraordinary and real.
That's the amazing thing about photography, says Ronen Goldman: If the light falls on the object just the right way, if the shadows line up naturally, our brains allow us to believe the unbelievable.
CNN: Surrealist photographer recreates his dreams in real life
Thank you for the unbelievable welcome.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Surprise Visit to Afghanistan
Of the almost unbelievable 4, 225 rules in the regulatory pipeline, 147, or 3.5 percent, were in the works at the FCC.
The market put in some of the most unbelievable pre-market moves we have seen in recent months, with the Dow futures going from plus 100 to negative 100 in a matter of what seemed like a few minutes.
For some agricultural land, we see the almost unbelievable spectacle of power shovels removing a layer of contaminated topsoil to be stored for 40 years.
She said unless politicians went to the streets in working class areas and they wouldn't understand the "unbelievable pressure" on young girls and women about how they looked.
Now, to truly understand the extraordinary actions for which Clint is being honored, you need to understand the almost unbelievable conditions under which he and B Troop served.
The number may sound unbelievable, but the study was conducted by James Henry, former chief economist at the consultancy McKinsey, an expert on tax havens and offshoring.
"The destruction is unbelievable, " Dr. Kyi Minn of the Christian relief organization World Vision said from Yangon.
The police response was unbelievable, completely different to the demonstrations I was at last week.
And they're the kind of stories that my unbelievable administrator for the SBA, Karen Mills, hears every single day.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces New Small Business Lending Initiatives | The White House
On the device side, the power of the devices is staggeringly unbelievable, and then equally amazing on the algorithm side there've been some very clever mathematical shortcuts discovered which lighten the computational load.
"In terms of technology, the Concorde was almost unbelievable--particularly when it debuted in the '60s, " says aviation industry attorney Arthur Alan Wolk.
Albans, Vermont, writes: I am a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S., and I find it unbelievable that the CBC would have the nerve to change the theme song of a true national tradition.
"The atmosphere is unbelievable, " Capitals captain Alex Ovechkin said Saturday of playing at Madison Square Garden.
They were often also finished in a day, compressing the action to unbelievable heights of tension and speed.
Every house we visited where someone opened the door, as soon his name, Maad Abu-Ghazalah, and showed people the literature, the responses were unbelievable.
"Aguero's finish for the second was unbelievable but from our perspective we are bitterly disappointed he was in that situation, " said Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers.