But he had a heart of gold and always took the side of the underdog.
Microsoft is now the underdog to Google in the game of technology world domination.
There was plenty in Egbert's ancestry to shape the man who would champion the underdog.
Bell and his partners, along with fanciers of the underdog, would have suspected chicanery.
The Irish took a page out of the underdog's playbook: When you are overmatched, attack.
Although it is out of necessity, not choice, McCain once again finds himself the underdog.
Mr. HUCKABEE: I don't know what it's like to be anything but the underdog.
We root for the underdog in part because of an intangible and illogical thing called emotion.
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But in the presidential race, given the narrow margin in the polls, who is the underdog?
Despite Matthews's shot-altering size, going to the hoop remains a focus for the underdog squad.
The whole movie is based on the insane conceit that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the underdog.
In 1945, in 1970, in the first 1974 election and in 1992, the underdog won.
When it comes to the Galaxy, a team with Landon Donovan on it is rarely the underdog.
Written off as the underdog by peers and judges, Haglund felt a greater freedom to be herself.
Winning the best supporting actress Oscar will not keep Anne Hathaway from considering herself as the underdog.
Sure, there are some who bet on the underdog, but overwhelmingly week in and week out, the favorite sees more action.
"He was very protective of other people and he always stuck up for the underdog, " Maureen Murphy said.
Abrams believes women are out-performing men in many realms, like education, because they have long been the underdog.
At a disadvantage because of discrimination, Robinson could be seen as the underdog.
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Last time I looked (a long time ago), it was the underdog -- producing products for the creative freaks.
He played the underdog, the outsider, comparing himself to Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.
That hardness came across in the tense months when RBS was the underdog in the hostile battle for NatWest.
You got no fear of the underdog that's why you will not survive.
They claim that they care about the underdog, the wretched of the earth.
Braun also added a message to Bieber's fans, writing: "Looks like we get to stay the underdog a little longer".
The underdog sensation lost the game 1-0 but the hard-core fans who tuned in were treated to an absorbing game.
Everyone knows that in sevens anyone can beat anyone, but it was really surprising just how many times the underdog won.
This is a major escalation of the battle between Amazon, probably the underdog, and Apple for control of digital media distribution.
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He surged from behind to defeat Shimon Peres in 1996, and this time he is both the underdog and the incumbent.