The number of undergraduate students at the University of Glasgow's Crichton Campus in Dumfries has more than doubled over the past three years.
As a result, the number of Chinese undergraduate students in the U.S. has doubled in the past two years.
The majority of undergraduate students completely ignored this input, confident that their own ideas would be superior.
At Berkeley, the proportion of undergraduate students who pay nonresident tuition is 16%.
M, entitled Online Tutoring: A New Retention and Remediation Solution, found that while the number of students enrolling in undergraduate degree programs has increased 34 percent from 2000 to 2009, the number of those students who are unprepared for college has increased proportionately.
FORBES: Can Online Tutoring Reverse America's Academic Decline?
Reflecting, and at the same time powering the rapid improvements in the top undergraduate courses is the caliber of the students trying to sign up.
The girls were then undergraduate students at Smith and Wesleyan college.
Currently, the college has 805 undergraduate students and 86 graduate students.
Eight student political societies - including all the major parties - had invited undergraduate and postgraduate students to vote in what was billed as the first large-scale poll of Scottish university students on the country's future.
Tuition data refer to estimated expenses for full-time beginning undergraduate students for the year 2008-2009, unless otherwise noted.
The current undergraduate finance model, where students borrow to study for three years in a UK institution, does not provide for a future in which students might want to take course units from a range of universities, both in the UK and abroad.
Some experts argue that the programs belong at trade schools and that students should use their undergraduate years to learn something about the world before heading to business school for an M.
Among the causes supported by the trust has been a scholarship scheme for Leeds University undergraduate medical students, funding - among other things - a bursary for the students to conduct research during the holidays.
The institution has launched an undergraduate degree in Linguistics with Chinese and all students at Lancaster University are offered the chance to study Mandarin and the university offers Chinese cultural courses to local schools and businesses.
The big increase will be in the number of MSc in Management programmes, which usually admit students straight from their undergraduate studies, rather than at the MBA level, the latter being designed for those with several years' business experience.
In this program, which is for both graduate and undergraduate students, however, the emphasis is less on social entrepreneurship than on the investing part.
Five buses of students and two buses of adults from Quinnipiac, a private school that has only about 6, 200 undergraduate students, are making the trip.
One of the practical changes has been the increasing prevalence of undergraduate courses in which students major in business throughout their course, rather than just for two years.
And when consulting firms hire undergraduate students, they screen out the ones who crack under pressure.
Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students (PLUS), the fastest-growing component of college aid, will cost 8.5%, more than double the rate of two years ago.
In March of 2010, Bloomberg BusinessWeek published the results of a survey among American business undergraduate students and their job prospects as they prepared to graduate.
The number of postgraduate research students is expected to rise under the plan but the question of whether undergraduate numbers should be cut is said to be left open.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Oxbridge to target funding gaps
The winner among undergraduate inventors was a team of four students at Johns Hopkins University, Leslie Myint, Daniel Peng, Andy Tu, and Stephen van Kooten, for FastStich, a breakthrough handheld machine for sewing sutures in abdominal surgery both faster and more safely than traditional methods allow.
There is also a message from the head of undergraduate admissions, Jane Minto, who says that the university is seeking to encourage a wider range of students to consider applying to Oxford.
He has been invited to address 300 undergraduate engineering students at New York University in the spring.
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It is hoped local students will take up undergraduate courses in the Ulster-Scots language, history and culture, as well as attracting postgraduate research and PhD's.
Although we would like to believe that all undergraduate students are rigorous seekers of knowledge, the job that many college students are really trying to get done, from our observation, is to pass their courses without having to read the textbook at all.
Right now, unfortunately, barely more than one in 10 of all undergraduate students are enrolled in what we call the STEM subjects -- science, technology, engineering and math -- areas that will be critical if America is going to compete for the jobs of the future.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors the Country��s Top Innovators and Scientists | The White House
At the rolling campus on Raleigh's west side 800 undergraduate and graduate students work with companies, helping to solve everyday problems like reducing energy use, improving supply-chain management, using eco-friendly dyes and developing better fibers.
Along with faculty researchers and graduate students, undergraduate students at Rensselaer will have opportunities to work directly with the Watson system.
ENGADGET: Watson heading to college, honing administrator-pranking algorithms