• The students marched to the University of Bristol's Wills Memorial Building at about 1315 GMT.

    BBC: Thousands take part in Bristol student fees protest

  • Ian Bond and his colleagues at the University of Bristol's department of aerospace engineering are taking a slightly different approach.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • Adam Finn, a professor of paediatrics at the University of Bristol, agrees that a new strategy is required.

    BBC: Whooping cough makes a comeback

  • Researchers studied more than 13, 000 women taking part in the University of Bristol's children of the 90s study.

    BBC: Baby loss depression 'lasts years'

  • He and colleagues at the University of Bristol carried out a review of NHS walk-in centres in 2001.

    BBC: Ricky Tomlinson as Jim Royle in the Royle Family

  • In another session, together with Michael Berry from the University of Bristol, he experimented with the force of magnetism.

    FORBES: Research by Mucking About

  • Myrmecologist Professor Nigel Franks, of the University of Bristol, has introduced the phrase "collective intelligence" to describe ant behaviour.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Ants - learning from the collective

  • Professor Elaine Farmer, from the University of Bristol, said the arrangements known as kinship care saved the state "considerable costs".

    BBC: Parent walking with two children

  • The event is co-organised by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Dr Nathalie Pettorelli and the Dr Seirian Sumner from the University of Bristol.

    UNESCO: Women in Science take to their Soapboxes

  • Professor Marianne Thoreson, from neonatal neuroscience at the University of Bristol, said it is a "huge breakthrough" in babies receiving early treatment.

    BBC: Cooling gas to help save babies in Bristol

  • The report is the second of a two-part study into kinship care carried out by Buttle UK and the University of Bristol.

    BBC: Parent walking with two children

  • There are a number of reasons for this, says Elaine Kempson, director of the Personal Finance Research Centre at the University of Bristol.

    ECONOMIST: Squeezing the banks

  • Revolymer was born out of research from the University of Bristol, which apparently altered the stickiness of regular gum by changing its water-repellent qualities.

    FORBES: Fresh Funding For Non-Stick Gum

  • Researchers at the University of Bristol and the University of Dundee have wrangled small particles and cells by using a sonic (or ultrasonic) vortex.


  • Dr Alison Rivett from The University of Bristol School of Chemistry is working to try and engage children at Trinity Primary School into scientific study.

    BBC: Children encouraged into science

  • He earned his PhD in Physics at the University of Bristol and in 1942 was granted British citizenship and even signed the Official Secrets Act.

    BBC: Spy leaked secrets 'like sieve'

  • But the team from the University of Bristol said investigation was not mandatory, and that there were in fact seven symptoms associated with this form of cancer.

    BBC: Ovarian cancer 'is being missed'

  • Professor Stafford Lightman, Director of the Henry Wellcome Laboratories for Integrative Neuroscience and Endocrinology at the University of Bristol, said the findings could be interpreted in a different way.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Babies inherit 9/11 mums' stress

  • The study, carried out by the University of Bristol's Centre for Market and Public Organisation and researchers at the University of Bath, tracked the results of almost 20, 000 pupils.

    BBC: Raising leaving age in 1970s 'improved children's GCSEs'

  • Clare Stevinson, a Cancer Research UK researcher at the department of exercise and health sciences at the University of Bristol, said the findings of the endometrial cancer research were "encouraging".

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Housework 'reduces cancer risk'

  • Rod Morgan, a former chair of the Youth Justice Board and a professor at the University of Bristol, said that children should not face a court if they cannot understand what is happening.

    BBC: Under 10s arrested in Avon and Somerset for sex crimes

  • Ashley Blom, professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Bristol, told the Today programme's John Humphrys that the kind of hips being described are still being used even though the number has reduced.

    BBC: Fears over hip replacements

  • Sarah Smith of the University of Bristol and Kimberley Scharf of Warwick University recently carried out a series of experiments for the Treasury to gauge how sensitive higher-rate taxpayers are to changes in tax incentives.

    ECONOMIST: Charity and taxation

  • Chris Ford of the University of Bristol, one of Dr Farrow's co-authors, speculates that by preventing ovulation and the stresses that it puts on the reproductive system, Pill-using women may, in effect, be cheating time.

    ECONOMIST: The Pill

  • Researchers at the University of Bristol, for instance, are focusing their experiments on photons, containing them in small optical fibers that are built onto integrated chips with the help of a laser trap or ion trap.

    FORBES: Teeny-Tiny Quantum Computers Take A Step Closer To Reality

  • "The way people used to make this kind of circuit consumed square metres of laboratory space and took graduate students many months to align, " said Jeremy O'Brien, the University of Bristol researcher who led the work.

    BBC: Quantum computer slips onto chips

  • "If you'd have said about 10 years ago to a chemist: 'Let's have some soap that responds to magnets', they'd have looked at you with a very blank face, " said co-author Julian Eastoe of the University of Bristol.

    BBC: Magnetic soap could help in oil spill clean-ups

  • The findings highlight the importance of monitoring a baby's weight and height gain during the first few weeks and months, but not creating anxiety with parents of slow-growing babies, said study leader Prof Alan Emond from the University of Bristol.

    BBC: Slow-growing babies 'catch-up' by teens

  • Because the majority of these arrangements are informal, carers often have no automatic right to financial support for the children's upkeep or are not informed of what support they are entitled to claim, says the report by the University of Bristol.

    BBC: Poor support for family carers unacceptable says minister

  • However, a 2000 study led by David Gunnell at the University of Bristol suggested that some people may have turned to drug overdoses instead, with those rates rising at the same time that suicides by gas decreased from 1973 to 1975.

    CNN: Can artwork influence suicidal thoughts?

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