• Professor Alan Shenkin, from the University of Liverpool, said that the study was "fascinating".

    BBC: Poor diet 'boosts virus power'

  • Mr Scudamore graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1967 with a veterinary science degree.

    BBC: Chief vet: Controlling a crisis

  • Katie Edwards, a biologist at the University of Liverpool, believes the findings can be applied to humans.

    BBC: Monkey study helps explain stress of 'middle managers'

  • Prof Peter Kinderman is head of the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society at the University of Liverpool.

    BBC: 'Grief and anxiety are not mental illnesses'

  • The union, based at Mount Pleasant since 1911, secured the investment in 2012 from the University of Liverpool.

    BBC: Liverpool University ?13.8m union upgrade plans released

  • Judge Fletcher, who is married with two children, became a solicitor in 1981 after graduating from the University of Liverpool.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Merseyside | Community judge set to start work

  • Dr Barry Campbell, a gut microbiology researcher from the University of Liverpool, agreed that E.faecalis was a candidate for cancerous changes.

    BBC: How gut bugs could trigger cancer

  • "It's important because we desperately need new drugs out there, " says Watkins , the University of Liverpool researcher who invented it.

    FORBES: A Cure for Neglect

  • "It's important because we desperately need new drugs out there, " says William Watkins, the University of Liverpool researcher who invented it.

    FORBES: A Cure for Neglect

  • Nicola Soames, of the University of Liverpool, said it was unclear how Alderney's gannets would deal with changes to their environment.

    BBC: Les Etac gannetry

  • This is supported by research carried out by the University of Liverpool.

    BBC: Advice call after epilepsy drug Epilim study

  • The University of Liverpool is planning to open a campus in London.

    BBC: Liverpool University plans to open London campus

  • "It's important because we desperately need new drugs out there, " says William Watkins, the researcher at the University of Liverpool who invented it.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But according to an exhaustive study conducted by researchers from the University of Liverpool, it's the most likely to cause mayhem on Saturday.

    WSJ: Why They Fear Aintree's First

  • The research by the University of Liverpool found that the seabirds fed in nine areas earmarked for tidal, wind or wave power developments.

    BBC: Les Etac gannetry

  • Dr David Milstead of the department of physics at the University of Liverpool has investigated the changing nature of the A and AS-level physics programme.

    BBC: A-level row upsets students

  • Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool revealed shortly afterwards that hundreds of organs were being stored in a lab occupied by the University of Liverpool.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Organs row parents can sue

  • Professor David Back, an expert in HIV pharmacology at the University of Liverpool said development of drug resistance was the main problem with current therapy.

    BBC: HIV drug resistance target find

  • According to Chris Proudman, a professor of equine studies at the University of Liverpool's Equine Hospital, the first fence is statistically the most hazardous in the entire race.

    WSJ: Why They Fear Aintree's First

  • The following year he was appointed to the Sir Alfred Jones Chair of Tropical Medicine at the University of Liverpool, and became Professor of Tropical Medicine at the university.

    BBC: Sir Ronald Ross building opens at Liverpool University

  • Despite his faith in the idea of barrages, Dr Yates, who carried out the research with colleagues at the University of Liverpool, says he is against building one across the Severn.

    BBC: UK tidal power has huge potential, say scientists

  • Commenting on the research, Dr Lynne Sneddon, a senior lecturer at the University of Chester and the University of Liverpool, said the research was "thorough" and had been "carried out well".

    BBC: Further evidence crabs and other crustaceans feel pain

  • "We believe that there is now overwhelming evidence that DSM-5 is scientifically unsound (and) statistically unreliable, " said clinical psychologist Peter Kinderman, director of the University of Liverpool's Institute of Psychology, Health and Society.

    CNN: Are we over-diagnosing mental illness?

  • Professor Tony Hart, from the University of Liverpool, said it was surprising, but welcome that the drug was effective against rotavirus, as it had been initially developed to tackle another type of organism, a protozoan.

    BBC: Virus is devastating in the developing world

  • The burial would be the final part of a process developed by the University of Liverpool and Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, which complies with the Human Tissue Authority Code of Practice issued in 2005.

    BBC: Hospital to bury unclaimed organs

  • Professor Alexander Trees and his team from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the University of Liverpool's faculty of veterinary science, found that killing bacteria which are abundant in the worm tissues leads to its death.

    BBC: River blindness 'breakthrough'

  • The project, which includes researchers at the University of Liverpool and plant breeders, bio-medical groups and manufacturers of garlic-based medicines from mainland Europe, will also examine whether garlic preparations are as effective as the raw, unprocessed product.

    BBC: Researchers target garlic mystery

  • While in the city Ono was made a Doctor of Laws by the University of Liverpool in recognition of her work as a conceptual artist, and for the John Lennon Memorial Scholarship which she helped establish in 1991.

    BBC: Yoko Ono

  • But today Professor Andy Cooper and his team of chemists at the University of Liverpool in England are figuring out how it can help energy companies like BP or Shell store and transport methane gas, the principle component of natural gas.

    FORBES: What Is Dry Water?

  • Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at the University of Liverpool, has studied primates and discovered a surprisingly stable ratio between the relative size of the neocortex (thought to be responsible for the evolution of intelligence) and the size of groups formed by particular species.

    ECONOMIST: Blogging is just another word for having conversations

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