Mr Smith took a degree in Ocean Science and Marine Navigation at the University of Plymouth.
They are based at the University of Plymouth and the raw data will be stored securely on their servers.
Locals point out that the University of Plymouth in Devon, with 23, 000 students, is one of the country's largest.
ECONOMIST: They want to emulate the boom in the rest of the south-west
Professor Jon Shaw, of the University of Plymouth, said the region was "dependent upon the new franchisee making the improvements".
Plymouth Argyle heads a consortium of regional supporters, including Plymouth City Council, Devon County Council, Cornwall Council and the University of Plymouth.
Dr. Jason Hall-Spencer from the University of Plymouth collected the images.
BBC: Mundo | Aprenda ingl��s | Destrucci��n de los arrecifes de coral
These notional results been compiled for the BBC by and Professors Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher from the University of Plymouth, who are acknowledged experts in this field.
High-profile galleries may offer a "very quick visible fix" for councils looking to address problems, according to Professor Malcolm Miles of the University of Plymouth, but they cannot make much difference on their own.
There are several institutions offering surf-related courses - including a three-year surf science and technology degree at the University of Plymouth and a three-year course in surf and beach management at Swansea Institute of Higher Education.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers attack 'hobby degrees'
Martin Attrill, Professor of Marine Ecology at the University Of Plymouth, said the trial would see maerl taken up from the seabed in areas "the size of a badminton court", resettled and then the impact judged.
The iCub robot was already doing pretty well for itself in the creepiness department, but a group of researchers from the University of Plymouth are now working to take things one big step further, by teaching the so-called "baby robot" to talk (as opposed to teaching it baby talk).
ENGADGET: Researchers working to teach creepy baby robot to talk
The UK has the second highest teenage pregnancy rate in the industrialised world, behind only the US, said Prof Reiss of the Institute of Education, University of London, and Prof Halstead, of Plymouth University.
The university was named with Plymouth College of Art among colleges which failed to meet targets in figures from the Office for Fair Access (Offa).
Making Waves is also being supported by Plymouth University, Plymouth College of Art, the National Apprenticeship Service and Plymouth City Council.
Prof Andy Phippen, of Plymouth University, who has studied the problem, said teachers who had had false allegations made about them could be reluctant to counter the claims officially.
Researchers at Plymouth University's Marine Institute want seafarers to help measure the quantity of plankton.
BBC: Seafarer science: Sailors asked to help measure plankton
Becky, who won Plymouth University's Social Enterprise Award for the innovation, hopes sales of the radio will provide cash for further social enterprise projects.
Analysis of local by-elections by Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher of Plymouth University suggests that there has been a 10% swing from Labour to Tory in the South and Midlands.