The city's concrete jumble is far less pretty than the utopia on his screen, but it has the same village-like feel.
Kibbutz Bahan in the Hefer Valley region closed down its old dairy and chicken farms to open the Utopia Orchid Park.
The Utopia proved to be a bland and soulless set of blocks organised in myriad sectors, lacking any kind of human warmth or naturalness.
Though their critique of technology seems impracticably romantic, the luxurious settings suggest that the utopia they seek is surprisingly real and near at hand.
But the 3G wireless utopia the wireless industry has been promising has only arrived in fits and starts, with little to show for all the hype it has generated.
News From Nowhere is a sort of goody-goody version of the Wellsian Utopia.
But what makes this book worth reading is the fact that the authors have taken as first principles for their Utopia the harsh truths of Darwinian capitalism: individuals and companies act in their self-interest, and markets guide that impulse through prices.
Ever since the Elvis Presley Hawaii movies of the 1950s, Swedes have considered Hawaii to be the ultimate tropical utopia.
You also can relax at Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star The Mandarin Spa by booking the special Golden Utopia Facial, which combats aging skin with molecular polypeptide, protein technology and a 24-karat gold natural collagen infusion mask.
While the seekers after utopia, nirvana in civil society are still getting free grub and marching and most of all getting exposure on national television we will be fascinated by this welcome diversion from the Republican debates, from the European contagion.
Utopias (incidentally the coined word Utopia doesn't mean "a good place, " it means merely "a non- existent place") have been common in the literature of the past three or four hundred years, but the "favourable" ones are invariably unappetising, and usually lacking in vitality as well.
This kind of whimsical, lethargic atmosphere has cemented the image of Santa Cruz (pop. 250, 000) as a bohemian utopia by the sea.
But it is more impressive that Jonathan Swift, one of the greatest imaginative writers who have ever lived, is no more successful in constructing a "favourable" Utopia than the others.
Never hesitant about redesigning the environment as his personal Utopia, he promoted his plan for Broadacre City, developed in the 1930s, as a decentralized alternative to suburbia where skyscrapers rose in pastoral settings.
One day we'll be able to download all our music directly from the Internet, but you don't need to wait for that Buck Rogers utopia -- the Web is a great place to buy music right now.
There can be no world in which everything we want is all possible and the attempt to realise Utopia just brings about tears and farce.
There is no technological utopia around the corner.
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Essentially, he argues that contemporary sexuality, though it sails under the colors of liberation and left-ish utopia, is just a continuation of the capitalist, neoliberal market, in which there are always winners and losers.
Utopia claims that the police have promised to take the case seriously.
Between YouTube (NASDAQ: GOOG), which has become a music video utopia, and the numerous YouTube competitors (as well as the many on-demand options available through cable providers like Comcast (NASDAQ: CMCSA), Time Warner (NYSE: TWC), etc.), we are covered.
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Those who saw it as a flash in the pan looked like fools when it took over the wired world, while those who saw it as a techno-utopia that would enlighten (and enrich) the world now hold stock options that are under water.
Trouble, as always, is that there are some major speed-bumps on the way to fuel-free utopia.
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This is a play, not a tract or a treatie, but the idea that it embodies is that Utopia is not just unrealisable but it's unimaginable.
Wells's vision of the future, implicit all through his early work and partly set forth in Anticipations and A Modern Utopia, is most fully expressed in two books written in the early 'twenties, The Dream and Men Like Gods.
Hacker utopia can take on forms that the non-cyberpunk world might not be ready to accept.
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One of the first things we need to do is recognize that utopia is not possible on this side of eternity.
Something strange happened on the road to our much-celebrated post-industrial utopia.
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Though it can be hard to remember, the keyboard used to be a standard feature on smartphones, before the iPhone wiped our minds with its vision of touch-screen Utopia.
But the leader of a third Flemish party accused both parties of seeking "Utopia".
Servan-Schreiber argued that the dynamic forces of technology and education in the U.S. were leaving the rest of the world behind, and foresaw, by 2000, a post-industrial utopia in America.