Now, at last, the vast majority of people are waking up to that cold, hard fact.
He insisted the vast majority of people in Northern Ireland still wanted the peace accord implemented.
The vast majority of people no longer need sophisticated estate planning to avoid estate tax.
The vast majority of people lived no better in 1300 AD than in 1300 BC.
For the vast majority of people, work will be the overwhelming source of their wealth.
Property prices here are mind-bendingly expensive, but the vast majority of people are middle class.
"For the vast majority of people, Facebook just isn't the be-all and end-all of their mobile experience, " he said.
In most states, the vast majority of people convicted of crimes are sent to state-run prisons.
The vast majority of people lived no better in 1300 A.D. than they did in 1300 B.
And its cost makes it prohibitive for the vast majority of people (see table on page 39).
In 1800, the vast majority of people were farmers feeding a total U.S. population of 5.3 million.
East Sussex County Council said a merger would raise standards, but the vast majority of people consulted disagreed.
BBC: Two Peacehaven schools to merge despite '95% opposition'
What is wrong with being religious in a country where the vast majority of people believe in God?
The vast majority of people living in this area are fishermen and come into regular contact with the sands.
Hackers might fight back, but the vast majority of people would simply be left two decades in the past.
The vast majority of people in the UK now own a mobile phone.
The vast majority of people who take benzodiazepines for extended periods are highly compliant and follow doctors' orders closely.
Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, who was with the protesters, said "the vast majority of people had demonstrated peacefully".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | 80 officers injured during riot
Sociologists find that the vast majority of people behave well in a crunch.
The vast majority of people when questioned about their experience of the NHS would say they had received good service.
"The vast majority of people that live here are decent and trying to make a go of it, " he said.
Basically, what happened is that they get rid of the vast majority of people who were on the public housing loans.
NPR: Politicians, Protesters Clash Over N.O. Housing Demolition
The vast majority of people who get asked to do that favor are between 18 and 21 themselves, city officials say.
But there are other reasons why for the vast majority of people in the country, high-speed broadband is still a pipedream.
The vast majority of people will be best off if they do not increase their weight or waistline after age 20.
There is abundant evidence that the vast majority of people who work in the financial industry are upright, honorable, and trustworthy.
This certainly seems to be the case for guns, with most European governments prohibiting firearms ownership for the vast majority of people.
FORBES: European Economic Crisis Highlights an Increasingly Important Reason to Oppose Gun Control
Will the vast majority of people, given the freedom to make their own choices, respond to the challenge and solve the problem?
Nonetheless, the vast majority of people will not be affected by that.
We have a five year track record with not a single negative side effect and the vast majority of people having benefited.