This recession-age fable, which revolves around love, work, family pressures, and hidebound traditions, is set in contemporary Lisbon but breathes the air of a dreamy, timeless romanticism one that befits the long view of life taken by its hundred-year-old director, Manoel de Oliveira.
Ms. SETZFAND: I think it's a matter of not taking the point of view of the long-term being on the beach or imagining a life that the investment firms have been touting of a beautiful retirement, but really using this time to take a hard look at whether things are still on track.
Washington (CNN) -- A program that puts air traffic controllers in the cockpit to view life "on the other side of the frequency" is being resurrected almost a decade after it was killed by Sept. 11 security measures.
CNN: Program will put air traffic controllers back in the skies
There's a meter tab that gives you a great view of what the current status of CPU, Battery Life, Memory Storage and Memory program.
The undoubted increase in average complexity in the fossil record is, according to this view, an accident of the fact that life started simple and therefore had only one direction to go in.
As a young man, he was excited by the French revolution, and he retained an idealised view of Napoleon to the end of his life.
It also demonstrates why the habit of telling the same story becomes a major part of how we act and view our life.
FORBES: The Republican Party Has A Brand Problem, And We Have The Evidence To Prove It
But at least this has the virtue of being entirely consistent with the church's view that life is a gift to be given and taken away only by God.
This would be the typical view of many of the pseudo-intellectuals that now populate much of the media and intellectual public life in Argentina.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The real meaning of the new Argentina-Iran agreement
Asian governments have long taken the view that the superiority of their family life was one of their big advantages over the West.
"Your description of Eurotunnel's approach as 'unacceptable, unethical and irresponsible' leads me to believe that you.., have taken a rather narrow, ill-informed and ferry centric view of life across the Channel, " Mr Gounon wrote.
BBC: Eurotunnel says Dover MP's ferry views 'stir xenophobia'
As historian of science Stanley Jaki spent his life documenting, the pagan world view was one of endless cycles, of oscillations, of rise and fall, golden ages of glory, bronze ages of decline, iron and stone ages of despair, with no genuine permanent progress.
FORBES: Christmas, Kurtosis, Fat Tails, Black Swans and Risk Management
Not the worst year of my life, that's being too dramatic, but from the working point of view, it has been a shocking, a shocking year.
The difference is that the Plastiki is looking to inspire something larger -- a sea of change, in how we view waste and how we integrate it back into the web of life.
The Van Dyck Shirleys capture the enchantment with exoticism that seems almost as emblematic of upper-class English life as the portraits of lords and dogs on view.
For me this honour is a symbol of how art can change people's perception of life and view the world in a different way.
In a rather bleak view of family life in the run-up to Christmas, many older people will depend on television as their main form of company.
BBC: Many elderly isolated from far-away family, charity says
Analyze UNESCO priorities like Education for All (EFA), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and literacy initiative (LIFE) with the view of proposing new ICT-enhanced concepts, content and design, thus adapting delivery strategies to general education programme objectives.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (17/1/2012) AF/RP/SEN/ED/0023 - (P3)
Bernard Jenkin MP, a Conservative rebel on the recent EU budget vote, gave his view that the EU budget is "one of the biggest scandals in public life... the accounts haven't been signed off for 17 years on the trot".
But many conservative and evangelical Protestants adhere to a literal view of Genesis, rejecting the idea that human life evolved from lower primates over millions of years.
But is the world really ready for Bollywood's saccharine view of life?
In the booking hall at Ilkley station, young mother Ruth Kitcher, with lively three-year-old Evangeline and nine-month-old Phoenix in tow, supported Mr Johnson's view of the station's positive contribution to Ilkley life.
BBC: The Beeching report: How railway cuts divided Yorkshire
The German Bishops' Conference, part of the Catholic Church, called the ruling a "victory for human dignity, " and said it strengthened its view that a human being begins life at the moment of conception.
Hockney, indisputably one of Britain's greatest living artists, has long worked with photography and painting as a means of examining the lens through which he and we view life.
The traditional view of death as a transformation, rather than an end to life, he says, is being lost.
Biodiversity itself is crucial to human life and to the reduction of poverty, in view of the basic goods and ecosystem services it provides.
Democracy as such can take its time to materialise, in the view of many Iraqis, so long as the foundations of a normal life begin to reappear.
On Wednesday, Eric Berg of Barclays Capital said reiterated his view that the steep drop in life insurers' share prices over the past two weeks does not point to a looming solvency problem in the industry.
We're stuck with one point of view as the drama unfolds around us, and as in life, the camera is often pointing the wrong way when something dramatic happens, then gets swept along in the chaos and confusion of the moment.
"From the consumer's point of view it's going to mean better battery life and higher image quality, " said Steve Steele, product manager of ARM's media processing division.