All the young people in the village speak the language, a rarity among American Indian tribes.
In mid-2011, Greek hopes for compensation were dealt a blow when the European Court of Human Rights dismissed a lawsuit brought by four Greeks who, as children, had survived one of the worst single atrocities in occupied Greece, the killing of 218 people in the village of Distomo.
About 220 kilometers south of Kunming, Tuanshan is the country's only intact traditional walled Qing village where the Yi people still live.
The police were attacked near the shrine to the traditional deity of the Eggon people, in the village of Alakyo, near the state capital, Lafia.
The second moment comes when people throughout the village bring their buckets after the pump is installed.
John Pickup, chair of Neenton Community Society, said the deal would bring more people to the village and pay for the acquisition of the local pub.
He added that the question remaining for many people in the village is whether many jobs will be created or if most current employees will relocate.
The rest of the people that left their village (about 6, 000) are said to be in Kalma IDP camp.
"I'd particularly like to thank Andrew, who kept the old branch open while the new one was being built so that people in the village did not have to go without a post office, " she said.
He, or she, lives in the Congo River, and the hippo is making things very difficult and dangerous for people in the village of Bukhama.
Village chief Margaret Thole explains that they have started to tell people in the village of the importance of delivering in a hospital.
The village of some 250 people lost four of their own during the quake - two of whom were in the neighboring county of Beichuan, which was leveled by the quake.
The book's description of the texture of village life will also help people to understand the subtleties that usually escape Western headlines about Darfur.
ECONOMIST: A witness and victim of the conflict in Darfur finds a voice
Archaeologists believe the items would have been owned by people living in the medieval village of Norton.
The pretext for this legal cartel is as flimsy as can be: Supposedly it ensures that people in the remotest village have the same "access to cultural material" as city dwellers.
For those of us who deal with anti-corruption issues every day, we sometimes forget that the vast majority of people in the world think that FCPA stands for Fairfax County Parks Association, or, as I heard recently, is a Village People hit from the 1970s.
Please when you go back to your village, tell the people about the soldiers you met at Ta Krabey.
One for Westminster village people is the appearance of Damian McBride before the Public Administration Committee (at 9.30am).
Mr Dunlop said other people in the village had also reported the pothole but that he only ever had automated computer responses from Lincolnshire County Council.
Police arrived in the village at noon but the people holding Mr Brahma initially refused to hand him over, according to the Times of India newspaper.
Mr. Ehrmann says accusations that he runs a sect are "ridiculous, " and that except for a few annoyed neighbors, he has good relations with people in the village.
WSJ: French Artist Thrives on Chaos, Neighbors Are Less Enthralled
The Italian railway company was sending eight coaches -- expected to shelter 400 people -- to the village of Crevalcore, near Bologna, the civil protection agency said.
In September, about 350 people turned out to protest against the plans, saying the village's infrastructure could not cope with more people.
The Stonewall was a mob owned bar (although it had no liquor license or, for that matter, running water behind the bar) in Greenwich Village that catered to some of the most marginalized people in the gay community of the day.
Famed for their trademark macho outfits, including a policeman's uniform, a red Indian, and a construction worker, Village People - named in tribute to the New York's Greenwich Village gay district - launched themselves on the disco world in the late 1970s.
Fifty years ago, thousands of people marched into the village to protest at its continued use by the Army.
It recently advertised for new tenants from outside the village - inviting applications solely from people with young, Welsh-speaking children.
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