That means, pessimists fear, that African countries may fail to navigate the virtuous cycle of industrialisation, growing employment, increasing productivity and prosperity.
The virtuous cycle of high volumes of handset sales allows more marketing to be done, which allows even more handsets to be sold, and so on.
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The virtuous cycle, or wealth effect as Bernanke labeled it, hasn't begun because both banks are reluctant to lend and people are afraid to take on risk, noted Roberts.
The time has come to fuel the mobile money virtuous cycle and to reach the more than one billion consumers in Africa and beyond that have access to a mobile phone but do not have a formal bank account.
So long as the feedback is positive (an important qualification), the result is a virtuous cycle of increasing returns for the idea.
The gains fed a virtuous cycle that sent stocks higher on both sides of the Atlantic, Tchir said.
It means less folks are being hired, and we can be back in a downward spiral instead of the kind of virtuous cycle that we want to see.
By the mid-1980s, the world economy was up and running in a virtuous cycle that benefited the world economy and most notably Japan that experienced its golden decade.
The corporation is in a virtuous cycle of economic growth, whereby success breeds success: the successful execution of one function contributes to the positive execution of other functions.
And, in a virtuous cycle, the decreased prevalence of crime fuels a decrease in the prevalence of crime.
The Fed's bet is that the wealth effect will trigger a virtuous cycle of confidence, investment and faster future growth.
The talent and enjoyment drive a virtuous cycle that pushes them to feats others simply shake their heads at, admiration mixed with no small amount of incomprehension.
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Women Deliver is organized around the conviction that women and girls can start a virtuous cycle of development.
Positive political surprises could be the impetus for idle cash to begin creating a virtuous cycle of more jobs and higher equity returns begetting consumption and even greater job creation.
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When major economies, such as the United States and China, with opposite strengths and weaknesses can rectify and fortify each other, the world will be able to thrive on a virtuous cycle of globalization.
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The demand for new workers in India also creates a virtuous cycle for Indian CEOs.
The risk is that a collapsing stockmarket could cause this virtuous cycle quickly to turn horribly vicious.
The consensus continues to hold that we are in a virtuous cycle where economic growth continues unabated and inflation is extinct.
But jump starting a virtuous cycle where developers can find uses for the PR2 and its Robot Operating System, spurring, in turn, the development of better robots, could make a real difference.
With the fear of calamity diminished, a vicious cycle would become virtuous as investors' confidence recovered.
They bring in more middle-class residents, which broadens the tax base and so pays for more improvements: a virtuous cycle.
For now, I am optimistic that a virtuous cycle of expansion has a chance to work for the intermediate term.
Data quality will keep getting better with more timely updates to CRM, multiplying the power of our real-time reporting and analytics tools through a virtuous cycle.
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The more people have work available to them -- there is just a virtuous cycle that happens.
If we can grow the economy faster and create more jobs, then everybody is swept up into that virtuous cycle.
Instead of a virtuous cycle where fiscal austerity leads to greater confidence and better prospects, the opposite dynamic will take hold.
With the foreseeable path ahead still seemingly defined by slow growth, a much-desired virtuous cycle of stronger consumption, growth, and job creation remains elusive.
The former finance minister and economics professor is aiming to guide his country into a virtuous cycle of faster growth that creates more jobs, raises incomes and boosts savings and investments, which in turn helps to sustain the expansion.
This phenomenon of massive wealth generated by billions of small transactions has created its own virtuous cycle: As it grows, Google is fostering thousands of small businesses across the globe, which in turn depend on Google and help it with both revenue and new content.