In no relationship at the top of any walk of life is it always easy, least of all in politics which matters so much and which is conducted in such a piercing spotlight.
He then returns to Bayes from the remainder of the book, demonstrating to the reader the value of Bayesian thinking in nearly any walk of life.
FORBES: A Guide to Thinking In the Era of Big Data: Nate Silver's "The Signal & The Noise"
He contracted polio in 1962 while in Thailand, affecting his walk for the rest of his life.
In the mezzanine, commuters will walk past life-size images of New Yorkers from the 1940s.
But every morning for the rest of her natural life, she'll wake up, walk down the stairs and find herself staring at two hulking leviathans.
Over 200 participants including teachers, students, education department officials, media, UN agencies representatives, civil society, representatives from different teachers associations and people from different walk of life were present in the seminar, held in PUTA hall, University of Peshawar.
Robson was born in Australia and spent the first six years of her life in Singapore, but now lives just five minutes' walk from the All England Club.
Soon, children may walk into the Museum of Natural History, look a life-sized velociraptor in the eye, and watch it scamper lightly away.
From there, any American from any walk of life can digest and discern the seriousness of what are ultimately defense budget decisions made in Washington.
So, on this day, let us commit our spirit to the pursuit of a life that is true, to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord.
He re-affirmed provincial government's commitment in devising plans and special projects to overcome the challenges faced by PWDs and mainstreaming them in every walk of life.
AIDS. But if they are to have a chance of success, they need help from the people at the top, and from others in every other walk of public life.
Modern critics should get over the idea that college might soon go away, and instead focus on how to make the experience better and more accessible to students from every walk of life.
FORBES: Through Eight Centuries of Criticism, College Remains Worth It
"My attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everybody else does in every institution and walk of life, " Mr Obama said in an interview with CBS on Sunday.
Everything about Opus Dei, at least from the official point of view, exists to promote this aim: forming ordinary laymen and women in Christian doctrine and spirituality, so that they may sanctify the world from within, using their own judgment about the best means to do so in their particular profession or walk of life.
Not completely but close, just waiting to hear how it was going to be, so I could walk out of the surgery and get on with what was left of my life.
As we walk down what used to be uptown Livingstone, the erosion of a century of life is obvious.
Part of life in the middle is letting some players with expiring contracts walk rather than fork over a king's ransom to keep them.
The judgment is quite a long and detailed one and we'll have to look at it and take legal advice, but I think it was worth that money, to actually put forward the argument to the court, that there is a security issue here and in what other walk of life, I mean police chiefs don't have their addresses, where they're living in the papers.
As you walk down to the river banks from the temple you may catch a glimpse of local life at its colourful best.
As I say, the kinds of modernisation we've been talking about really are unexceptionable in any other walk of life.
At the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, fans gathered to lay flowers in tribute to her life and career.
From a business perspective, I have had the great fortune of getting to know over 70 writers (and growing) from every walk of life.
Yet the odds of life-long disability such as cerebral palsy, blindness or being unable to walk, has not changed, at about one in five.
BBC: Severely premature babies: More survive being born early
Walk the Freedom Trail, do Sherman's march to the sea, reenact the life of Johnny Appleseed, recreate the discoveries of Lewis and Clark, but without all the venereal disease.
This time, we want to talk about the shuttered mills that once provided a decent life for men and women of every race, and the homes for sale that once belonged to Americans from every religion, every region, every walk of life.
At 59, Taylor may finally walk away from the fire, but he will carry it with him for the rest of his natural life.
The case illustrated why greater support was needed for those experiencing domestic violence - who can be from any walk of life - Ms Neate said.
BBC: Philpotts case a 'classic example of domestic violence'
"These things happen, in any walk of life you move on and decide to take on new challenges and we wish them the best of luck, " he added.