She worked as a clerk in the Israeli Air Force during the war of independence.
Yet Irish writer Isaac Eppel still managed to get his influential 1926 narrative film about the War of Independence, Irish Destiny, made.
Delwar Hossain Sayeedi was found guilty on Thursday of charges including murder, rape and torture during the war of independence in 1971.
The decade includes the signing of the Ulster Covenant, the Easter Rising, the War of independence and the establishment of Northern Ireland.
Even more than in traditional conflicts, the psychological aspect of the War of Independence played a pivotal role in determining its outcome.
Rising powers have always used the state to kick-start growth: think of Japan and South Korea in the 1950s or Germany in the 1870s or even the United States after the war of independence.
After Ireland became free from the British in 1922 (when the War of Independence resulted in the declaration of the Irish Free State), the government, with the support of the Catholic Church, passed the Censorship of Film Act.
In the weeks since Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon, Hezbollah's attention has turned to other territories it says are Lebanese, including seven abandoned villages in Galilee, which has been part of Israel since the war of independence of 1948-49.
The speech evoked the great moments of nation building in the country's history: the First World War battlefield of Gallipoli "when Turks and Kurds fell in battle shoulder to shoulder, " the War of Independence and the First National Assembly.
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Chris Lyttle of the Alliance party outlined the series of centenaries to be marked over the coming ten years, including the signing of the Ulster Covenant, the Easter Rising, the War of Independence and the establishment of Northern Ireland.
The framers, having just experienced the horrors of the Continental currency (which had been used to finance the War of Independence) opted to limit federal monetary powers to coining money, which for legal tender purposes they defined as gold and silver.
Joseph Chinotimba, a veteran of the war of independence who spearheaded the farm evictions and now lives on a farm in Concession, about 55km north of Harare, says there is nothing sacred about the old farmhouses and they should not be celebrated.
BBC: Zimbabwe's surprising bid to preserve its colonial past
By 2004, just as he was approaching the apex of his profession, Zimbabwe had become a deeply troubled place: White-owned farms were seized by militants, many of them claiming to be veterans of the war of independence, with the endorsement of Robert Mugabe's government.
Both countries base their claims to sovereignty over the island on interpretations of unclear historical treaties, beginning with the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the American War of Independence.
But then came the Easter Rising, Sinn Fein's victories in the 1918 election, the formation of the First Dail and the War of Irish Independence.
After its costly involvement in the American War of Independence, the French elite decided to change its ways.
Last month, she approved a third-grade textbook for Arab Israelis that teaches children that Arabs view the 1948 War of Independence, in which the infant state warded off the invading armies of five Arab states determined to annihilate its Jewish population, as "the nakba, " or catastrophe.
In 1775, in the American War of Independence, British forces defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill, which took place at Breed's Hill near Boston.
During the American war of independence, Martha's Vineyard was on the side of the revolution.
The desire to maintain slavery was not the least motive for the American war of independence, in which some blacks fought on the British side.
Less than 20 years ago, the fledgling nation of Croatia was in the throes of the bitter Croatian War of Independence as it declared sovereignty from Yugoslavia.
The rebellion is now regarded by many Indians as the first war of independence.
England went through revolutionary traumas over a century before the American war of independence.
ECONOMIST: On France and America, churches' income, student loans, Iraq, junk food, Peoria | The
Most military chiefs in Zimbabwe, who fought with Mr Mugabe in the 1970s war of independence, are publicly hostile to Mr Tsvangirai.
Their legitimacy rested on their role in the savage eight-year war of independence against the French (largely mythologised, since many spent that war outside the country) which made them the guarantors of the state's principles.
In Hargeisa, where 50, 000 died during the war of re-independence, a Somali MiG jet used to bomb the city sits atop a poignant memorial.
Not the least of which was getting the states to foot the bill for our War of Independence.
Mr Hazare has called the proposed legislation a "cruel joke" and has described the fight against corruption as the "second war of Independence".
More than a century later, the same flicker of freewill sparked the War for Independence and fired up a new nation.
Last month, Mr Weidmann raised the spectre of a global currency war, suggesting the erosion of central bank independence around the world threatened to unleash a race to the bottom as politicians pushed central banks to replace inflation targets with measures that could serve to weaken currencies.