Rightly or wrongly, voters blamed the slowdown on the free-market reforms known as the Washington consensus.
He rejected the economic reductionism that drove the Washington consensus, and insisted instead on seeing people as products of culture rather than as profit-and-loss calculating machines.
Mr Stiglitz's tirade has struck a chord with many opposed to what became known as the Washington consensus and with many who, unlike Mr Stiglitz, see globalisation as a negative, destructive force.
Chavez was a believer that the days of the "Washington consensus, " a model of economic reforms favored by the United States for developing countries, were over.
Brazil was one of the first to successfully scrap the old Washington Consensus model of debt service and budget cuts, paying off its loans with the International Monetary Fund in the first few years of the Lula presidency.
FORBES: Obama Arrives in Brasilia to Pomp, Circumstance and...Some Protest
The announcement comes amid growing consensus in Washington that the federal response to the credit crisis has fallen short of a solution that would restore confidence and stability in the financial markets.
Now the thing is, this Washington Consensus, this list of basic things that developing countries ought to do, also came into being around 1990.
Mr. Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center in Washington, D.
Kirchner, who constantly accused the IMF and the U.S. for using Argentina as a guinea pig for their Washington Consensus-policies, negotiated the largest bond restructure in history, according to Mackintosh.
The new US policy document signals that there is now much greater consensus in Washington for talks with the Taliban.
What's interesting today is that despite a broad consensus that the rush into housing at least partially explains our nation's financial difficulties, there's yet another growing consensus that Washington must fix the housing market.
Yet, while central banks in Europe and politicians in Washington ask for a stronger yuan, the market consensus is that China is doing what it said it would do.
FORBES: China Ready to Discuss Yuan as IMF Currency...Sort Of
These glaring defects have engendered a rare bipartisan consensus in Washington for sweeping reform of the corporate tax code.
Quite the best part about this is that Dani himself is a critic of that very Washington Consensus.
McCain had been admired in Washington for his ability to find consensus with Democrats, but that was his undoing with the talk-radio wing of the Republican Party.
The BBC's Paul Reynolds in Washington says the Texas governor will need all the skills he claims to have as a bipartisan leader to forge a consensus.