He told us the unpleasant truth about the problematic nature of the Western way of war at the outset of the 21st century.
As with George Casey's replacement by David Petraeus in Iraq in 2007, the Afghan shake-up represents both a change of personnel and a broader rethink of the American way of war.
It reflects Rick's refusal to let the ambiguity of his choices get in the way of his waging war to the best of his ability.
CNN: The lessons of 'Casablanca' still apply, as time goes by
Last week Lebanese commentator Tony Badran published an article on the Now Lebanon Web site discussing the Iranian way of war.
But if the new way of American war has any common denominator, the qualities of flexibility and imagination rank high among them.
It was proper to speak of parents the old-fashioned way in the days of World War II and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
But the thoroughness of this book is that it traces the origins of the war all the way back to the French invasion of 1830.
Ironically, the only point of consensus is that there is just one way to attack the problems of war and peace, expanded civil rights, job creation and development, terror, health care, education and the environment.
Well, I believe there's a better way of eliminating the threat of nuclear war.
Bleszinski worked at Epic Games for 20 years, going all the way back to Jazz Jackrabbit and all the way up to Gears of War: Judgement.
Senator JAMES WEBB (Democrat, Virginia): The majority of the nation no longer supports this war - the way this war is being fought, nor does the majority of our military, nor does the majority of Congress.
The core purpose of the Geneva Convention is to encourage the conduct of war in a way that minimizes violence to civilians.
The decision by the arbitration court in Vienna now paves the way for one of the largest post-war restitution settlements in Austria.
There is an enormous amount of frustration over the war on a number of grounds, from the cost, to the way the war has been fought, to what the outcome is.
In 1992 he starred opposite Sharon Stone as the corruptible cop in Basic Instinct, and the following year he put in a great performance as the paranoid defence worker losing his way at the end of the Cold War in Falling Down.
In short, neither side has shown the slightest interest in helping Mr Diallo look for the missing 14 people, let alone agreeing to a ceasefire or trying to work out a way of ending the war.
The origin of the road's regal name is said to stem back to a league of kings who advanced this way to wage war with the wicked Cities of the Plains -- the Old Testament cities of Sodom and Gomorrah -- which are thought to have lain along the Dead Sea.
Most stockmarkets have fallen in each of the past three years, and many investors are hoping that getting the war out of the way will stop the rot.
The tunnels were still in secret use long after the Battle of Britain had given way to the Cold War.
In the final days of the uprising he was able to sneak out of the ghetto by way of the city's sewers, he wrote after the war.
For a man who saw his parents' original small variety store torched by looters at the end of World War II, Sy has come a long way, thriving in the midst of the often volatile Philippines.
Both sides kept people apart as a way of prolonging the war.
He was critical of the war in Iraq, critical of the way the government responded to Hurricane Katrina, had his criticisms about the way things are going economically for the middle class, referring to high gas prices.
Twelve years on from the end of the war, Bosnia is still a long way from normality, and the international community's efforts to hand over power to the country's politicians are failing.
Already the tug-of-war is under way among Mr Obama's would-be advisers over the principles that should shape it.
Sir Ronnie said it was a "humbling experience" to see the RUC being honoured for its bravery and dedication in the same way as the people of Malta were applauded during the Second World War by receiving the George Cross.
The GOP highlighted Iraq -- and Democratic opposition and criticism of the war -- as the way in which they painted their party as stronger on national security.