To the Westerner, it can seem as if there are two contrary Japans one a slow, peaceful land of Shinto shrines and tea ceremonies, the other a jangling zone of automation, neon signs, and bullet trains packed with commuters.
Plus the fact that he's the only Hispanic in the race, the only Westerner in the race, and given the fact so many Hispanics are in California, Nevada, Florida and Texas - early primary states.
Judging from the crowd at breakfast loudly slurping congee, I think I was the only westerner staying in the hotel.
Fitzsimons was the first Westerner to be tried by an Iraqi court since the war began in 2003.
He is the first Westerner to stand trial in Iraq after a 2009 US-Iraqi security agreement lifted immunity for foreigners.
Fitzsimons is the first Westerner to stand trial in Iraq after a 2009 US-Iraqi security agreement lifted immunity for foreigners.
Mr Fitzsimons is the first westerner to stand trial in Iraq after a 2009 US-Iraqi security agreement lifted immunity for foreigners.
The first westerner to reach it was an enslaved illiterate American sailor called Robert Adams whose transcribed account was published in 1816.
The only south-westerner acceptable to the north, and perhaps to the east, is Olusegun Obasanjo, a former military head of state who handed power back to a civilian government in 1979.
In civilian life after the war the decent Mid-Westerner became interested in protecting the culture of the American Indian.
His Gibson Flying V guitar which he performed with at the festival, his written travel directions to the show and a "Westerner" hat which he often wore on stage will be part of the exhibition.
Putting a Westerner in charge, the firm reckoned, would send a bold message to staff and customers alike of its determination to internationalise.
Tablighi puts a westerner in mind of the Christian mendicant orders.
An Algerian and a Westerner were killed in the attack, and two other Westerners, two of the security forces and two guards from the base were wounded, Qabliyeh said.
And when the Southern Republican sees a non-Westerner, he sees a Northerner.
Mr Blair said that was because Mr Leigh was a Westerner and not an Iraqi who disagreed with the former dictator.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | 'Significant' troops home by 2008
Another blue-collar mid-westerner from a swing state, Tom Vilsack , the governor of Iowa, also looks a safe pair of hands.
The Taft wing ultimately will not support anyone fully who is not a Westerner with Western bona fides.
As one Westerner who has practised maritime and commercial law in Shanghai for the past 15 years, I disagree.
On the other hand, some extreme delicacies sound vile but offer tastes that even a McDonalds-habituated Westerner might find pleasing.