Clearly, secondhand comments from the White House press secretary aren't going to cut it.
Haidt sees the role that reason plays as akin to the job of the White House press secretary.
It's Dana Perino, and if you think - if the name sounds familiar, she's the White House press secretary.
Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary who resigned in February after two years serving President Obama, is said to be considering a communications position with Facebook, according to a report from Dealbook.
Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, noted in a statement that Obama's 2011 effective federal income tax rate is 20.5% and that the president's own policies would result in higher taxes for the Obama family.
CNN: Romney condemns Obama's 'assault on our economic freedom'
The Brady Campaign, named after the former White House press secretary wounded in an assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, called the compromise a "good step forward, " while New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo described it as "better than nothing" but a sellout to the gun lobby.
Ahead of the meeting, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the president would only agree to a deal that included some tax increases and spending reductions smaller than those in the sequester budget cuts.
The Bush administration defended the letter and said the idea for it originated at the IRS. White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said the agency was concerned its phone lines would be overwhelmed if rebate checks began showing up without explanation.
The president arrived in Cartagena on Friday, the same day he first learned about the incident, White House press secretary Jay Carney said from the coastal resort city.
The White House Press corps has not yet queried White House Press Secretary Jay Carney about the Times of New York article.
"When John Boehner comes to the table and he can't even bring his deputy or his third in command to vote for the deal that he is agreeing to, I think you've got a real crisis of leadership in the House, " former White House press secretary Bill Burton said.
Despite the document, White House deputy press secretary Barry Toiv denied that the database, which included information on over 200, 000 donors, supporters, friends, legislators, dignitaries and journalists, was used for political purposes.
CNN: Memos Suggest White House Database Used To Reward Donors
Russia and China have supported Security Council measures against Iran, which was "not an insignificant development, " noted Josh Earnest, the principal White House deputy press secretary.
CNN: Romney talks tough but differs little from Obama on Iran
When Clinton unveiled the idea, White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart denied it was a response to any of Bradley's proposals, saying the president has had a long-term commitment to the earned income tax credit program.
Obama also ordered new steps to promote the "freer flow of information among the Cuban people and between those in Cuba and the rest of the world, as well as to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian items directly to the Cuban people, " White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said earlier in the week.
The new plan also would also be in effect for the Christmas travel season, and White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said the Federal Aviation Administration was imposing a holiday moratorium on nonessential maintenance projects, allowing all FAA personnel and equipment to be focused on keeping flights on time.
President Obama is also "concerned about the situation, " White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday.
President Barack Obama would now sign the bill, said White House press secretary Jay Carney, even though it fell short of broader action needed to address sequestration.
White House press secretary Ari Fleischer earlier fended off a volley of questions from the White House press corps about the details of the administration's policy.
"The president will meet with families of those that lost a loved one last week, as well as speak to the larger memorial that will take place at the base, " White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said in his daily briefing Monday.
CNN: Investigators look for missed signals in Fort Hood probe
"We'll change the rules going forward, " White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Wednesday when asked about the legislation.
CNN: Senate Democrats to consider GOP changes on spending bill
And if the name sounds familiar, Mark McClellan is the older brother of former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan.
"We look forward to working together with President-elect Morsi and the government he forms, on the basis of mutual respect, to advance the many shared interests between Egypt and the United States, " White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.
Last week, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney commented on the video in a press briefing.
FORBES: Google, YouTube Refuse White House Request To Pull Anti-Islamic Film
"He thinks very strongly that this is the year we can actually get it done, " White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told reporters before the letter was sent.
Josh Earnest, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary, will be available throughout the day, and Mark Zuckerman, White House Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council will be taking questions at 1 pm EST.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
"Of course, he's happy for Vice President Gore, happy for the International Panel on Climate Change scientists, who also shared the Peace Prize, " White House deputy press secretary Tony Fratto said.
CNN: Gore: Nobel win a chance 'to change the way people think'
Later Friday, he was taping a "message of sympathy and solidarity" to the people of Australia, who lost many relatives and friends in the terrorist attacks on Bali, White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said.
The bill's anticipated passage provoked a bitter comment Thursday from White House press secretary Mike McCurry on why Republicans want to cut the rate of increase in the Medicare program.